How to introduce new veggies?


New Born Pup
Jan 6, 2022
Reaction score
Santa Rosa, Laguna, Philippines
I have had my guinea pigs for a while. They are already used to lettuce, cabbage, carrot, cucumber, cilantro, bell peppers, celery, and some fruits. I never knew how to properly introduce new veggies. I want to introduce green beans and cauliflower. I read somewhere that I can’t introduce veggies too fast. Can anyone tell me how I can introduce these veggies?
I would just start with a tiny piece and see how they go, its the same with grass and forage. If they are fine, no bloating or soft poops then you can slowly increase the amount. It sound like your piggies are enjoying a nice varied diet 😀
I give them a small piece. Something which can be eaten in 2-3 bites then providing all is well slowly increase. After a month or two I will then introduce something else. If you introduce 2 things at once or in quick succession and they end up with soft poops or bloat, you won't know which is the culprit. So introduce one at a time and increase over a period of time. 🙂