How to introduce a young boar to a slightly older boar- is this right?

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Jul 15, 2009
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Canada, eh?
Some of you may have helped me with deciding to get Ivan, my skinny pig, neutered, or just get him a friend. (Thank you all for your input!) Anyway, I've decided to get him a friend, which I will, in about a month, when my pet store gets them in. I need to know how to introduce the younger baby boar to Ivan, who I got in early August of 09. Is this correct?
You must...
introduce them in neutral territory (no one's territory)
make sure there are no females in sight.
watch over them, obviously.

...Anything else?
And do you think it would be a good idea to take Ivan to the pet store and introduce him to the babies before I get them?
When I introduced my boars I rubbed a bit of talcon powder on their rear ends so they smelt the same. I set up the run in my kitchen, plopped them in together and watched them for a while and then left them, but checked on them alot.

This way has always worked for me with boars and sows and I've never encountered any problems.

As for taking him to the pet could do. My only concern is...its a can you be sure there is nothing nasty floating around that he could pick up?
i agree you shouldnt take him to the pet shop and there are alot of piggies in resues needing homes have you thought of that option
Yes, I have... but unfortunately all of the places with piggies (I don't live in the UK, and there are no rescues here) near me have only long haired, and I'm already allergic to my haired piggies! I definitely can't take a long haired pig, though I really really want to...
Thanks everyone, I will definitely use all of your information!
another good tip is to give plenty of veggies, and a hidey hole that only the younger pig can get into just incase things get a bit too much! :)

Hope this helps, i just introduced a younger boar with my older boar yesterday and this worked well for me!
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