How to introduce a baby pig to an adult?

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Oct 11, 2011
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I recently adopted a one month old female guinea pig, and I was wondering how to introduce her to my one year old female. Both pigs appear to be fairly docile, and have interacted well with eachother thru their seperated cage.
How should I introduce them?
Just bumping this to the top for you. We have some very knowledgeable and experienced people on the forum regarding bonding and introductions, who should be able to advise...
I have recently been through similar, I introduced a 6w old baby girl to a 6m old female, and a 3w old baby boy to a 6m old male, What I did for the girls was completely scrub the duos intended cage so it was neutral territory. The boys got a brand new cage and removed any items that can be a "trap" so baby couldnt be cornered and hurt, put in plenty of hay and food and put them in together, watched like a hawk and thankfully all has been well and they are happy together acting as-if they have known each other all their lives.

I think the key is neutral territory so neither deems the cage to be their property and the other is intruding on their domain, if that makes sense?

Hope this helps
I have introduced 2 babies to adults now with no trouble.
Scrub your cage thoroughly, i use white wine vinegar to neutralise the smells. Re arrange the cage and then place them in together. This then makes it unlikey that your adult pig will feel as though her territory has been breached. Usually a baby will pose no threat and it should be fine, but observe for a few hours. With my first two i still wasn't sure so i seperated over night whilst i wasn't there. But with the second pair it was obvious they got along so i left them together.
Make sure there is adequate hideys, food etc. Hideys shoulh have 2 exits so the baby cant be trapped in by the adult. You can expected some chasing, chattering and maybe mounting. This is just like an adult guiding a toddler and letting them know who's the boss.
Good luck!
We introduced Linney (then 18 months old) to Sundae (then about 3 months old) after Linney's original cagemate, Frenzy, passed away due to complications from dental issues. We introduced them in a neutral area- a hallway where I don't usually let them roam free. I sat close by with a blanket to toss over one of them if a fight broke out, but we really didn't need it. Luckily they got along very well- they sniffed noses, sniffed bums, chased each other around, and eventually Linney settled down in a corner and Sundae settled in right next to her- it was very sweet! We did have to scrub out the cage completely before Linney would let Sundae into the cage though- I had to break everything down and run it through the dishwasher and scrub it down with vinegar and rearrange all the 'furniture'- after that they had no issues being roommates.
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