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How to identify dental problems?


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 23, 2021
Reaction score
I’m so so so sorry for yet another post and this being so long 😭 I just didn’t want to keep spamming the post I made yesterday because it’s possibly not relevant anymore. You all are a lot more experienced than me and knowing what to say to my vet is invaluable.

So long story short yesterday my 6 1/2 year old boar Kip was suddenly disinterested in food, completely out of the blue seemingly. No poops or anything but I’ve been syringe feeding every 2 hours and we have lots of albeit mushy poops now since last night. His weight is fine, he was 684 last week, 660 the other day and he’s 664g now. He’s back to being interested in food, he’s picking at and occasionally taking big bites of carrot, pepper, cucumber etc. With mushy poops I’d normally obviously cut out veggies and fruits but right now I’m just keeping him interested.

Now the thing is, he’s been picking at nuggets but he seems to be dropping them? I have heard him eat a few however, I could hear him crunching. I have also seen him rummage at hay but whether he’s eaten it I don’t know but he has been interested. He’s moody and keeping to himself but he is spritely and very alert and does peak out when he thinks I have something.

To add extra context, he has a very large lump on his neck for a long time that’s came and gone and came back again. He’s seen a vet over it multiple times and had it drained, it’s full of blood and they reckon a hematoma just might never go away sometimes fully and keep refilling. It doesn’t seem to bother him much at all, but I guess that could change.

Right now I’m concerned about dental problems, even though yesterday until like 3pm he had 0 issues eating, he’s usually constantly eating hay and his nuggets. He has a vet appointment tomorrow at 5 but unfortunately not an exotic vet, closest is 2 and a half hours, and I’m concerned they won’t be able to tell if he does have dental issues especially with his molars? Is there absolutely any way to check myself or to direct them to check? I’m assuming they have none of the tools to open his mouth. I thought surely a carrot and even a couple of nuggets isn’t the easiest thing to eat if it is his teeth?

On the other hand I’m wondering if any sudden change to his neck lump could be causing this whether it’s infection or change of location impacting his jaw. He’s literally never ever had teeth issues and honestly this came so out of the blue. Could there be absolutely ANY other explanation for this?

I’ll insert a photo of the neck lump, this was taken a while ago but its changed location a bit since then and is more under his chin and not as bulbous but still very there. It’s firm mostly but soft-ish when you press inwards and has always been filled with blood when drained. He was on Baytril in December for dizziness and the lump actually fully went down for some reason, came back again though. Didn’t go away any other time he was on antibiotics so thought it was odd! It’s never caused him any issues or pain before as far as I remember, he’s usually a really happy little man. So sorry again for another post 😭


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If relevant to teeth at all he also just ate a couple of dried pea flakes, he also hasn’t been drinking water himself either but I’ve been syringing water aswell as critical care
I can only go by my experience but it doesn’t sound like a dental spur to me, if he was eating well a few days ago. Most dental (teeth) issues usually sees a gradual drop off of hay firstly, pellets, followed by softer things like veggies until about the only thing they can manage is grass or very tiny thin strips of veggies. Their weight declines as their eating declines, it can be a fairly slow process over a couple of months. There are other issues that can impact on eating though such as oral thrush, jaw abscesses too or general pain in that area.
I would check with the vet to see if that large hematoma is impacting on his ability to pick food up?

Some of the things I noticed with my Guinea pig who did have dental problems (a molar spur) to look out for is

Decline in eating hay/stops eating hay
Loss of weight in a downward trend
Pawing at the mouth
Gaging on food
Dropping food
Pulling strange faces while eating
Taking ages chewing/slow eating
Pickiness/favouring softer veggies
Keenness/hungry to eat but then walks away

Hope you can find what’s wrong and get it sorted 🤞
I have had a couple of piggies with dental issues, and it can appear to come on quite suddenly sometimes.
The problem is that there is absolutely no way to know without having a vet actually physically look at the teeth.
The symptoms you are describing could be all manner of things really, but it definitely sounds like there is something going on with him.
Poor boy and poor you - it sounds like you have been through a lot recently.

Honestly if it was me I would bite the bullet and get him an appointment with an experienced guinea pig vet so they can check his teeth and the rest of him over properly.
But I am sure others with more experience will probably have better advice.
I can only go by my experience but it doesn’t sound like a dental spur to me, if he was eating well a few days ago. Most dental (teeth) issues usually sees a gradual drop off of hay firstly, pellets, followed by softer things like veggies until about the only thing they can manage is grass or very tiny thin strips of veggies. Their weight declines as their eating declines, it can be a fairly slow process over a couple of months. There are other issues that can impact on eating though such as oral thrush, jaw abscesses too or general pain in that area.
I would check with the vet to see if that large hematoma is impacting on his ability to pick food up?

Some of the things I noticed with my Guinea pig who did have dental problems (a molar spur) to look out for is

Decline in eating hay/stops eating hay
Loss of weight in a downward trend
Pawing at the mouth
Gaging on food
Dropping food
Pulling strange faces while eating
Taking ages chewing/slow eating
Pickiness/favouring softer veggies
Keenness/hungry to eat but then walks away

Hope you can find what’s wrong and get it sorted 🤞

Thank you I’ll bring up oral thrush and the possibility of an abcess! I did think surely the stopping eating couldn’t be so sudden if it was a tooth issue but who knows. Concerned he might be bloated now too :( On the way to the vet anyway, I am thinking it could be the hematoma but even knowing about oral thrush is very helpful thank you so much!
I have had a couple of piggies with dental issues, and it can appear to come on quite suddenly sometimes.
The problem is that there is absolutely no way to know without having a vet actually physically look at the teeth.
The symptoms you are describing could be all manner of things really, but it definitely sounds like there is something going on with him.
Poor boy and poor you - it sounds like you have been through a lot recently.

Honestly if it was me I would bite the bullet and get him an appointment with an experienced guinea pig vet so they can check his teeth and the rest of him over properly.
But I am sure others with more experience will probably have better advice.

Absolutely, bringing him to the regular vet now to see what they think and maybe drain his hematoma and some painkillers/antibiotics and if those don’t help I’m gonna ring the exotic vets
He was just seen by the vet and she got a look at his back molars, said they were growing in a little. He is definitely bloated though, she’s doing an ultrasound now. Trying not to get my hopes up because he is nearly 7 years old :( Feels like a nightmare after only losing my boy Bobby a couple of weeks ago after a stone surgery. Thanks everyone for your suggestions and messages it gave me more to ask her about!
Thank you I’ll bring up oral thrush and the possibility of an abcess! I did think surely the stopping eating couldn’t be so sudden if it was a tooth issue but who knows. Concerned he might be bloated now too :( On the way to the vet anyway, I am thinking it could be the hematoma but even knowing about oral thrush is very helpful thank you so much!
I believe oral thrush smells like a dirty dishcloth smell.

Oh sorry just seen your latest post just now, I am so sorry, sending big hugs to you, how sad x
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Thanks everyone. Feels surreal because I was also going to the vet’s to pick up Bobby’s ashes. Typical. Trying to remind myself Kip lived a long really happy life at nearly 7 years old and relatively health problem free until just today. :( He didn’t suffer in any way. I’ve had him so long so it’s absolutely devastating, he honestly felt like a child to me.
I hate having to consider this so soon but does anyone think taking the boy Eggs i adopted nesrly 10 days ago out of quarantine now would be okay? I haven’t observed any health issues with him. I have a boy Ollie who’s now lost both his cagemates in 2 weeks and I hate the thoughts of leaving him alone because he’s already grieving
I hate having to consider this so soon but does anyone think taking the boy Eggs i adopted nesrly 10 days ago out of quarantine now would be okay? I haven’t observed any health issues with him. I have a boy Ollie who’s now lost both his cagemates in 2 weeks and I hate the thoughts of leaving him alone because he’s already grieving
Can they go side by side until you feel ready to bond them?

So sorry you lost Kip, you can post a tribute in the Rainbow Bridge section when you feel ready
Can they go side by side until you feel ready to bond them?

That would be fine too! I was mainly concerned about health stuff because I know quarantine should be at least 14 days but I haven’t noticed anything weird about Eggs, seems very healthy so far anyway