How to handle Tilly any advice?

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Apr 20, 2007
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As you may already know I have three gps and they are great. I'm having a bit of a problem with Tilly the youngest as she squeals so badly when I try and handle her and tries desperately to get out of my hands or off my lap. She is a long haired gp so needs her bottom trimmed and her hair brushed but she makes such a fuss I'm stuck for ideas to calm her I will probably need to bath and trim her nails at some point so any ideas would be greatly received :)
Hey :) To get her used to you handling her maybe try reaching into her cage without taking her out, just pat her and softly speak to her then walk away :) I cant handle my sow at the moment coz she is pregnant so I do this alot and she really trusts me :)

Good luck with bathing her ::)
As B-W says, gently, bently approach her. Use food as a way to disract her too :) Patience is needed :)
Managed to get her to calmly sit on my lap and have a dandelion leaf (bribery) she wasn't going to take it but her tummy rules this little girls head big style, so so far so good its taken a long time to get to this stage!
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