My guinea pig (2F) has had a cyst on her lower back for about a year. My vet told me that she didn't want to remove it when we originally found it because it didn't look irritated or inflamed. She said to keep an eye on it. Well, today I woke up and she had torn all of the hair out around the cyst and it looked like it came to a head. I washed the area and gently massaged it. The gunk inside dislodged pretty easily (greyish cheesy substance), but just to be gentle I didn't keep squeezing to get all of it out. Basically, I can't bring her to a vet until a few days from now due to an appointment booking. In the meantime, how should I handle the area to prevent anything bad from happening? What are the risks I should be on the lookout for? This seems to be pretty common, and I just want to make sure the risk is low for this condition. She seems fine otherwise, but I just wanna make sure I am doing everything I can before she is seen.