How to get rid of crusted on urine


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 21, 2019
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA

As my name implies I'm pet sitting a poorly kept piggie.

The litter pan of said pig (of her tiny pet shop cage) is basically caked in urine in all corners. I can grab a pic then; it's gross. Owner says she tried washing it off with Clorox but couldn't get it off (there's already sooo much wrong with this paragraph).

Anyways, have you found anything that works to get urine off?

Thank you for any tips/advice!

I'm going at it with a 1:2 vinegar water solution and it's kinda helping? I dunno, maybe it's as good as any other liquid and elbow grease :hmm:
You obviously care deeply for the welfare of this piggy. If the owner absolutely insists you hand him back try to point them in the direction of this forum for some helpful advise (we never critise). What you have done for the poor little lad is amazing. I love how you made his appalling small cage larger and covered it too so that he would feel safe.
Thank you all for the replies!

I've totally fallen for her tbh... I just don't think it's likely. I mean, if they give her to me I would love it and definitely would go find her an adopted friend, but I dunno... they also seem to be attached to her. Hopefully I can lead them in the right direction :)
One of my houses is like that. Can't get it off but it won't hurt them. It's not like they use it all the time upside down.