How to get my guinea pig to like me?

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New Born Pup
Nov 6, 2013
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My cousins gave me their 2 female guinea pigs because they did not have the time for them. They haven't had much human interaction so I believe that is the problem. Every time I try to pick them up, they run away and do the "teeth chattering". Should I hold them more or would that just make it worse? I've started feeding their vegetables to them by hand in my lap and they seem fine about that. They don't purr or anything though. They do make a noise when I pet them backwards against their hair (Back to front) but I'm not sure if it's a good or bad noise, I don't I really don't know what to do.
They don't like their hair being stroked backwards so that won't win you any popularity contests! Chin rubs are usually popular with a lot of pigs ( although be warned, some don't like it), if you stroke their head and they shove it up that's them telling you to "gerroff!" so stick to the neck, back and side for strokes if they don't like head strokes. A lot of piggies hate having their bums touched so when stroking it's a good idea to stop before you get that far. :)
Just be patient, it can take a good while for some piggies to come around but it's all the more rewarding when they do finally come to trust you. Speak to them often and gently, offer treats and don't expect instant miracles. A lot of piggies don't like the actual process of being picked up, even the tame and trusting ones so remember this when you're picking them up.
Have you read through the sticky threads on the forum? I'm sure there's probably one that covers these concerns for new owners. The main thing is take heart - it doesn't happen overnight but that doesn't mean that it wont happen - you have to be patient and let your piggies learn to trust you in their own time. And yes, you do need to handle them because they need to get used to it for health checks, nail clipping, weekly weighing, grooming and ivermectin etc.
Hope that helps. :)
They typically don't like being patted against the direction of their fur growth (which makes it tricky sometimes to pet an Abyssinian without making them mad!) I think a lot of it will just take time. Speak softly, be the person who gives them treats/snacks, and keep on handling them. One of our pigs was extremely shy when we first got her, but has grown into a very social, communicative, affectionate pig (and some would say a huge moocher- she certainly lets us know when she wants something!) It's very rewarding to seem them blossom once they are comfortable with you, so keep at it! It sounds like you're doing good so far!
How long have you had your piggies? And how old are they? I would say keep being gentle with them, keep offering treats and veggies, handle them appropriately every day and they will soon become tamer (though it make take months, rather than weeks). Are they in or outdoor piggies? Indoor piggies will become tamer quicker :)
Hi There, Welcome to the forum.

It can take a while for piggies to get used to you and to be honest they will probably always run away when you go to pick them up, even the tamest of piggies do this as they are prey animals and instincts mean they dot like being picked up. We herd our piggies into a cosy when collecting them for lap time it is less stressful for them and us.
Feeding them on you lap is a good idea, that will help strengthen the bond you have with them and gain trust. Try a gentle chin rub most piggies love it :) As others above have said talk in a gentle tone to them and try to use the same phrases and tone for certain words as they will get used to the sound of your voice and what certain things mean.

Be great to see photos of your piggies, for this you'll need a free photobucket account at and follow this tutorial
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