How to get my boar a friend


New Born Pup
Mar 9, 2022
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Hi all,
Can I ask for some advise please? I brought a single male Guinea Pig (we named him Barney) from a pet shop 2 weeks ago who was said to need to live alone as he doesn’t get on with other GP’s. Having since spent the past 2 weeks researching how to give him the best life I can, I have come to realise that no GP should live alone and I need to get him a friend. He is around 8 months old for info. I have seen conflicting info on whether to get him a baby friend or get him a slightly older friend… I have contacted 2 local rescue centres and they haven’t got back to me as I thought this might be the best way to get a friend as they could help with bonding. Barney has now spent 2 weeks on his own after living with another male who obviously had a fall out - this could have been that they were in a cage that was too small? I don’t know. If I get a baby from a pet shop then will I have to quarantine him? It doesn’t seem fair to Barney to live alone or for a baby torn away from his siblings to spend a month alone in a cage either. I really want to do my best for Barney… what’s the best route to go down please? I’ve attached pics 😊


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Hello and welcome to the forum. He’s stunning. 😍
Hi all,
Can I ask for some advise please? I brought a single male Guinea Pig (we named him Barney) from a pet shop 2 weeks ago who was said to need to live alone as he doesn’t get on with other GP’s. Having since spent the past 2 weeks researching how to give him the best life I can, I have come to realise that no GP should live alone and I need to get him a friend. He is around 8 months old for info. I have seen conflicting info on whether to get him a baby friend or get him a slightly older friend… I have contacted 2 local rescue centres and they haven’t got back to me as I thought this might be the best way to get a friend as they could help with bonding. Barney has now spent 2 weeks on his own after living with another male who obviously had a fall out - this could have been that they were in a cage that was too small? I don’t know. If I get a baby from a pet shop then will I have to quarantine him? It doesn’t seem fair to Barney to live alone or for a baby torn away from his siblings to spend a month alone in a cage either. I really want to do my best for Barney… what’s the best route to go down please? I’ve attached pics 😊

Hi and welcome

What a handsome boy!

Try to contact The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (TEAS) in Northampton if furryfriends doesn't answer this thread - she will know how best to help locally.
@furryfriends (TEAS)

They may be able to help you with getting Barney safely neutered and then finding new happiness with a sow companion after the necessary 6 weeks post-op wait. Mixed gender bonds are the most stable, provided initial acceptance happens.
Unless you are already registered with the Cat&Rabbit Care Clinic in Northampton, they don't accept any new customers but they are by far the safest place to have Barney neutered. He is currently a teenager and the most difficult age for boar-boar bonding but a perfect age for the snip and for a smooth recovery.

Several of my own 'husboars' (neutered boars living with sows) have been 'unbondable' teenagers living the dream for the rest of their life!

Here is more information:
A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care (the example at the end is from a boy I had neutered at the clinic)
A Closer Look At Pairs (Boars - Sows - Mixed)
Hi and welcome

Try to contact The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (TEAS) in Northampton if furryfriends doesn't answer this thread - she will know how best to help locally.
@furryfriends (TEAS)

They may be able to help you with getting Barney safely neutered and then finding new happiness with a sow companion after the necessary 6 weeks post-op wait. Mixed gender bonds are the most stable, provided initial acceptance happens.
Unless you are already registered with the Cat&Rabbit Care Clinic in Northampton, they don't accept any new customers but they are by far the safest place to have Barney neutered. He is currently a teenager and the most difficult age for boar bonding but old enough for the snip and very good age for a smooth recovery.

Several of my own 'husboars' (neutered boars living with sows) have been 'unbondable' teenagers living the dream for the rest of their life!

Here is more information:
A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care (the example at the end is from a boy I had neutered at the clinic)
A Closer Look At Pairs (Boars - Sows - Mixed)
Hi, Thanks so much for spending the time to reply, I looked at TEAS but the website indicated that they look after GP’s that needed extra care and there wasn’t anything I could see about rehoming. I’ll look out for a post and if not, I will contact them directly.
Hi, Thanks so much for spending the time to reply, I looked at TEAS but the website indicated that they look after GP’s that needed extra care and there wasn’t anything I could see about rehoming. I’ll look out for a post and if not, I will contact them directly.

TEAS sometimes have adoptable piggies on the side and they should know which local good welfare standard places have something suitable in the pipeline. They may also be able to help you with the neutering.
Have you tried to bond your boar, or are you just going by what the pet shop told you? Many years ago, a pet shop gave me a piggy, because they said he couldn't be with other guinea pigs. Well he ended up being part of a boar trio, so that just shows how much they knew. I find boar/boar bonds the most stable, as long as their temperaments are compatable. At the moment we only have one pair of girls, who will be put up for adoption shortly and lots of pairs of boars. No singles are availabe at the moment. You could look at getting your little guy neutered, but ideally you would want to wait another month or so, before going ahead with surgery and then you will have another six weeks on top of that to wait, before he can be introduced to a sow.
Thanks for your reply, much appreciated.

No, I have only had him just over 2 weeks and have no way of bonding him without getting another boar but I’m wary that there is no guarantee that the would bond would work out which means rehoming again which puts another boar in the same situation as Barney and he would still be a single piggy.

I‘m not keen on putting him through an op if I don’t have to and it’s getting really expensive with the cost of Barney and his original cage and the new cage I have now bought suitable for two piggies. I really wish I had listened to my gut when they reassured me he would be fine on his own and got a bonded pair to start with! What would you recommend my next steps be?
Thanks for your reply, much appreciated.

No, I have only had him just over 2 weeks and have no way of bonding him without getting another boar but I’m wary that there is no guarantee that the would bond would work out which means rehoming again which puts another boar in the same situation as Barney and he would still be a single piggy.

I‘m not keen on putting him through an op if I don’t have to and it’s getting really expensive with the cost of Barney and his original cage and the new cage I have now bought suitable for two piggies. I really wish I had listened to my gut when they reassured me he would be fine on his own and got a bonded pair to start with! What would you recommend my next steps be?
I do have an older boar (around 2 ish) who was neutered about three weeks ago, who ideally I was going to put up for adoption to be rehomed to live with a girl or two. Hugo is a quiet boy and has lived with a boar previously, who sadly recently died. I could try a bond with your boy and him, if you wanted and if it worked, you could take him home and if not, you wouldn't have to worry about having two singles, as the adoption would only go ahead once they were both happy. Let me know what you think?
Please could we have a chat on the phone later? I will private message you my phone number. If I don't pick up, just leave a message and I will call you back, when I can x

@Barneybear: If your messaging box is not yet enabled (due to unfortunate experiences with some spamming sign-ups you need a certain number of posts before you allowed to private message), you can contact TEAS Sanctuary via their facebook page: The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary (for guinea pigs with extra needs)
@furryfriends (TEAS)
Oh my Hugo is so handsome, and so is Barney too 💙 💙 Hope is a match for these boys