How to gain my piggies trust...

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Aug 29, 2012
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Perth, Western Australia.
Hi guys,

Got my adopted rescue piggies today, who I have now named Jitterbug and Quinton x) and just need a bit of advice as to how I can bond with them and get them to gain my trust. I am leaving them for a couple of days just to settle in but would like some tips on how to get them to trust me. The smallest piggie, Jitterbug, is extremely skittish and distrusting. He was the runt of the litter and seems to have been beaten up quite a bit by the other pigs :( He is the pig I need most advice with.

Any help would be so much appreciated :)
Just sit by their hutch/cage and hand feed them veggies while talking to them. Soon they will learn that you = treats! It always takes a little time for new piggies to settle in and get used to their surroundings so just be patient and let them take their time to trust you. :))
Here is a collection of tips. Please be aware that winning the trust of prey animals usually takes more time than you'd expect, especially when your new piggies have virtually not had any human contact and are vulnerable youngsters in a new territory. But it is worth it!

If you can, train your two to come into some kind of conveyance for pick up, a tunnel, upturned house or pigloo, a carboard box with one end cut off, a cosy or even a folded towel. That will help circumvent the flight reflex because picking up cuts very close to prey animal instincts and most piggies don't like it, even though they enjoy being cuddled. Turn the process into a ritual and use little veg or herb treats and lots of praise. I have a special call for it.

Best of luck!
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My pigs were technically abused before i got them so i've had a lot of trouble building their trust, i still can't pick Bobby up and can only pick Frankie up in a blanket and i've owned them since April.
The way i found to get them used to me was first sitting with them when they eat and talk to them and then begin hand feeding them and now they'll come running up if they think i have food.
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