Dilly's Piggies
Teenage Guinea Pig
Hi, I just got back from the vet with my girl Paisley who has been given treatment for a supposed skin infection covering her whole belly and vulva area. It seems to have originated from her vulva as she has thick yellow/brown crust on that specific area and she has lost all of her belly fur from constant itching and barbering, there aren't any scabs or bleeding but her belly skin is very dry and flaky with a small white patch on her back leg which could be fungal.
The vet gave me Hibiscrub which I have to dilute and give her a full bath in daily for the next week, she also has Surolan (steroid, antibacterial and antifungal cream) to put on her belly twice per day for a week.
The vet told me specifically to pat dry with a towel, I forgot to ask if I can blow dry so I'm not sure if I can. It is quite cold here atm and as she's a long haired sheltie, it takes her so long to dry naturally so I usually blow dry. I'm worried she'll get sick if I let her air dry in this cold every day, even with being indoors on fleece.
Can I blow dry just the top/back where she's got no skin issues and towel pat the affected area underneath and give her a heat pad instead of leaving her damp all over? Or does Hibiscrub have to always be towel dried? I also want to ask if I can put the cream on right after her bath, I'm pretty sure I can but just want to double check. Thanks!
The vet gave me Hibiscrub which I have to dilute and give her a full bath in daily for the next week, she also has Surolan (steroid, antibacterial and antifungal cream) to put on her belly twice per day for a week.
The vet told me specifically to pat dry with a towel, I forgot to ask if I can blow dry so I'm not sure if I can. It is quite cold here atm and as she's a long haired sheltie, it takes her so long to dry naturally so I usually blow dry. I'm worried she'll get sick if I let her air dry in this cold every day, even with being indoors on fleece.
Can I blow dry just the top/back where she's got no skin issues and towel pat the affected area underneath and give her a heat pad instead of leaving her damp all over? Or does Hibiscrub have to always be towel dried? I also want to ask if I can put the cream on right after her bath, I'm pretty sure I can but just want to double check. Thanks!