How To Do I Mprove Their Cage ?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 7, 2016
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
I have two boars one aged 1 the other about 8 months. They are housed indoors in a 5 ft x 2 image.webp foot cage. I often look at it and think it's boring for them. They do get regular exercise and floor time but would love to improve their housing. Thought about getting a double level cage in its place. Not too keen on C&C as I have a cat, he ignores them most of the time but I don't trust him ! Any ideas ?
I agree - floor time is the best answer. If you got a 2 tier cage - would you be able to increase the floor size too ?
Hopefully I'd be able to give them more space. Currently they have 10 sq feet but they must get bored, can do very little with the design really.
Perhaps you could look at adding things like a fleece forest
Yes I'd thought of that but I've become a bit stuck on that design. I vary where the hideys are but that's it.
I understand what you mean, how about using cardboard tubes with intermixed holes stuffed with their favourite hay and hang it from the ceiling?
Also, I have added another level inside that size cage before. It covered approx a quarter, and I used a big metal grid, secured with cable ties, put a cardboard bottom for the floor, then a fleece liner. I used square guttering secured for a ramp and well...they used to run up and down that all the time, gave them extra space and was a useful addition, you could have it as a hay box area if you use a plastic box cut to size?
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