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How To Differentiate Mite Infection And Fungal Infection?

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New Born Pup
Sep 4, 2016
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Hi all, one of our Guinea pigs has a small lump and a small bald patch on her left ear. We also find a large bald red patch behind her left ear. Is this a sign of fungal or mite infection? Or is it something else?

Guinea pigs do have a round, symetrical bald patch behind either ear with little to no hair on the ears themselves. If you feel the skin is red and irritated, or the bald patch definately wasnt there before, please take her to a piggy savvy vet for a diagnosis.

Alot of skin complaints can mimic each others symptoms, and treating for the wrong thing can make it worse so please dont treat yourself with any over the counter products. Only a vet can give you a diagnosis and a safe treatment plan.

All the best
If there is any swelling, please see a vet for a diagnosis. It may be something else.
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