How to deter a cat?


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 21, 2020
Reaction score
I have recently noticed a cat coming along my fence, and because of the Guinea Pigs being out in their runs, I want to keep it away. My male piggy has a secure wooden run with a lid, but my female piggies have a larger run using metal, without a predator-proof top. They do have a bit of mesh on the top of part of their run in one part, but it is not enough to stop a cat. The pigs love being out of their runs so much, so I don't want to just keep them cooped up in their hutches just because of a cat.
Any suggestions on how to keep that cat away?
The best possible solution would be to buy a secure run with a lid for your ladies. A cat that is determined will not be deterred and will get into an unsecured run, perhaps they could do turns boar in the morning and sows in the afternoon x
As above, for security and peace of mind - find a better way to protect their run .. then they can safe...
Another suggestion, which I do - since I cannot keep predators out of my gardens - I only put the piggies out for grass time when I am able to sit and watch them in their run and make sure they are not left unattended.
Yes, the piggies at the moment are just outside the window where they can be seen :)