How To Clean Cage?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2015
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I recently switched blankets to this.
I cannot tell the wet spots.
And what all do i scoop and clean?
Poop and wet spots or just wet spots?
I'm currently taking out half of the cage to re change the bedding.
But i cannot tell the wet spots.


To change the whole cage it takes up that hole bag and the bag is 22usd wich i can only afford once a month
I'd change the poop and wet spots. If they do their business in certain areas it will be easier to identify. :)
Carefresh in the UK is very expensive - I hope it is cheaper in the US.

The bedding will be a different colour if wet.

I use my bare hands when spot cleaning - so I can feel the wet areas. I just make sure i wash my hands well when I have finished !
i used to use this, loved it but very expensive in the UK, cost me £30 in 3 weeks ! I guess, as above, feel the wet spot and chuck those bits out..
I use the same bedding for my cage, but it's not as big. I completely change it every week, and spot clean every other day, but as you cannot afford this I would change their favorite potty places when needed.
Whats cheaper, i found like 50lbs of this corn bedding stuff for cheap but some one said dont use it
We use wood pellets with our girls. We soak them as you would if using them in a stable (I was a groom for years) and then have a hay corner. the girls love it, its SO easy to clean out and a 15kg (dry weight) sack, which costs around £5/5.50 (Approximately 8-9 usd) lasts us at least 3 weeks.

We spot clean the poo's daily, and take the wet out every other day, mix the bed up again and away we go! We tend to add about a saucepan full of soaked pellets when we mix the beds up on the 4th day, and do a full clean out every 10days or so - just so the bed doesn't get dusty or fusty.

Hope that helps xx
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