How to care for a guinea pig when you are still in school


Deleted member 148356

Hi, my guinea pig's name is Winston and is 2 years old.
Lately, my guinea pig has been seeming depressed. It started ever since I started school again. I don't have enough time or money for another guinea pig, and I can't care for him when I'm at school or doing homework, so what do you think I should do?

As guinea pigs are social creatures, it is quite likely that Winston is lonely without you around and without a friend to keep him company. Socialization is critical to guinea pigs, a depressed and lonely piggy can even start to refuse food in the worst case. A single guinea pig is really not ideal and especially not an ideal pet for a busy person, whether that be a person who works a lot or a busy student.

The absolute best thing you could do would be to find him a friend. I am sympathetic to money and time struggles, but I do find that generally two guinea pigs do not cost much more money or time than one. I am not sure this would be the best option for you however if you say that you already struggle to care for Winston alone.

Another option would be to find someone else to care for him who can provide him with more attention and a friend to live with. If you would really not at all be able to provide the time and care for a second guinea pig, this would be the best option. I know this is not the easiest thing to do, but it certainly sounds like you care about Winston and that would be the most humane and kind thing you could do for him. It is a very difficult situation to be in as a pet owner, but I think we have a responsibility to realize when we cannot give our pet the quality of life they deserve.

There are many great rescues out there who could help you on your journey to either finding Winston a friend or finding someone else to care for him. Do you live with family that could keep him company while you are busy in the meantime? Maybe you could explain that interacting with Winston is critical to his health and happiness. It does sound like Winston is struggling in his current situation, it is nice that you are trying to find out what you can do to help him.
Hi, I can't add anything new but just wanted to lend my voice on a couple of points.

Getting him a friend is the number one kindest thing you can do for a single piggie. Guinea pig social interactions can be a treat to watch and both your lives will be richer for it; there is no substitute. I'm sure many people can attest that no amount of banana bread making or Netflix in lockdown replaced actual human company, or a hug.

Cost and time outlay for basic care is not much different between one and two guinea pigs, in my experience - the main difference is that ideally your vet fund will grow over time to cover two. I believe minimum cage size requirements are the same for one and two, but there is a guide on the forum you should check (I'm on my phone otherwise I'd link it). On a weekly basis you're looking at a small rise in costs for additional food and hay, which you're already buying; the weekly health checks will take a little longer, but you shouldn't find you need to add much more to your cleaning schedule if you're already doing this regularly. Of course, everyone's financial and personal circumstances are their own and I can't comment on yours, but this is what I've found to be the case for me. At one point when I was at school I had two herds with seven piggies in overall, so it is doable... although maybe seven was a bit much :))

All the best for you and your pig, fingers crossed you can get it all sorted.
Even if he doesn't get on with a second male piggie they can always go in a cage next door where they can see and smell each other through the bars. It's better than being alone. Piggies like the company of other pigs - I have 3 and they are happy together without people. I am just the bringer of veggies and grass!
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