How to bond with a 1 year old guinea pig?

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Dec 22, 2010
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I recently adopted two 1 year old guinea pigs, 1 male and 1 female. The female is a little skittish but I am still able to pick her up and slightly pet her. The male is extremely skittish and will run and hide at the slightest sound.

They live in a 3 foot long cage and have plenty of space, and the also have a little hut which is where the male allows hides in.

What is the best way to bond with these guinea pigs? Should I take the hut away so they can get use to me being around or leave it so they have a sense of security?

What are some methods to bonding with them individually?

Any suggestions, ideas, or stories of personal experience would be greatly appreciated.
I used several methods to get my 6 piggies used to us - 1 of which however is still slightly nervous - all my piggies ive had from babies, so i'm not sure if this makes the bonding process easier.

Because guinea pigs love food i always associated lap time with something good and always grabbed a bit of their favourite food. It did take some time before they would take it from me, but i did this everytime i petted them or handled them.

Another thing i always do is talk to them. When they were younger, i used to sit next to their cages and just talk to them, eventually they would come out whilst i was sitting there. I also kept any sudden movements to a minimum. Again i used the method of holding a piece of their favourite food to coax them into coming near me.

I would also try and get them used to being handled by getting them out for lap time a couple of times each day - but by keeping it short and sweet (say 5-10mins).

Do you have an indoor run or area they could run around in? When i got my first piggie, i found this the quickest way of him getting used to us and his surroundings. We used to let him smell a small piece of his favourite food in our hand then call him to the side of the run - once he knew we had yummy food, he was racing everywhere.

3 of my 6 guinea pigs will stand there and allow you to pick them up - however the other 3 require a bit of chase - so what i normally do is wait until they are lying in their snuggle bed and lift the whole thing out - this make it less traumatic for both me and them.

I guess it's just trial and error - but i'm sure it wont take long before you see the results. As i said in the beginning of my post, one of my male piggies is still skittish and he's around 9months old (and ive had him since he was 5wks old) - it's just his personality - so we do what we can to ensure he's not frightened (we talk to him quietly and approach his cage slowly) - sometimes he'll just stand there and allow you to pet him - other times he'll run - he's very much a pig's pig and i think he much prefers his cagemate's attention than ours - not at all like his cagemate who isn't afraid of anything and loves to come and say good morning.

Whatever you do, i'm sure they'll soon come out of their shell's and their little personalities will shine through - be careful though - i started out with only 1 and i now have 6 and have to stop myself from reading the rehoming section :))
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Hi! Welcome to the forum!

Here is a collection of tips for settling in very skittish guinea pigs.

Is your male neutered? If not, please separate him immediately or you will be swimming in babies in no time flat. Sows can get pregnant again within hours of giving birth, baby males reach sexual maturity from 3 weeks onwards and girls from 4 weeks onwards - we see the dreadful results regularly in our rescues! Back-to-back and baby pregnancies are very hard on the sows. After 8 months old, sows should not be bred anyway, as the ligaments in their pelvis start becoming less elastic which can lead to birth complications and loss of mother and/or babies.

Please be aware that the minimum recommended space from the RSPCA is 2x4 ft for two guinea pigs. In our housing section you can find ideas or get tips for cheap cages.

It would be good if each piggy had their own hide.
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