How they are acting to their new playtime area? Is this Bad?

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Oct 20, 2010
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Basically about 10minutes i quickly set up a run for the guinea pigs in my conservatory, i have put lots of toys, pigiloos and tubes etc

But they have just gone into the pigiloo and are sitting in their pooping everywhere?

Should i need to worry about this? :S
Aww just give them sometime to get used to the new playpen, as big spaces can sometimes be scary to piggys.

Maybe you could encourage them out with some treats like, vegetables, oats or fresh grass if you grass isnt covered by the snow! I'm sure that with time they will come out and explore. :)
noooo you dont need to worry, they will explore in time. Maybe take the pigloo out after an hour if they havent explored!

dot food about and maybe sit near and talk to them?
New territory is always scary!

Try to lure them out with some nearby food, but it may take two or three visits to allow them to get the hang of it. You can scatter little treats around next time to encourage them!
Okay guys thank you,

I let them run around for about an hour and they came out and ran around but they still don't seem happy?

I'll trial it for about a week and see if they get any happier,
I'll feed them veggies everyday, give them more food etc
and hopefully in the new year build a C&C cage for them to give them more space.

I know i worry way to much but they are the cutest and i love them to bits.
I think conservatories are scary places when you are a wee piggie. My boys pretty much run round and round the perimiter with the odd swift trip across the middle when I let them romp round ours.

Tubes & Piggloos are a great idea as mine usually hide under the furniture but tempting them out with treats nearky always works especially when your back is turned...
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