How Old Is My Piggie?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2014
Reaction score
Arkadelphia, Arkansas, USA
image.webp I rescued him and the people I got him from said they had him for a month and bought him from a pet store. I am gonna post a picture of him I just took with my hand as reference. I haven't weighed him yet but I will soon. He can fit in one hand but it's a handful. Any help would be great. Thanks!
Can't tell from the picture I'm afraid, definitely under a year old, probably only a few months I reckon, I wouldn't work out your weights, sorry.
Definitely young. I'd say a few months. Probably roughly 4 as most of the old piggies I got in the past from pet shops were roughly 14 weeks old.
I just wanted to make sure I was on the right track. Since rescuing him I have learned how to check eyes, ears, teeth, nose; clip nails; do a boar cleaning; give a bath when he got really dirty; and tend cuts he had when I rescued him. He is very much my baby

It is very difficult to guess the age of a Guinea as so many factors contribute to its growth but on saying that our guess would also be in the region of 4 to 5 months. This is based on the following, Your piggie currently weighs 20.9 ounces which is approximately 593 grams. As we have said a very rough calculation can be made with regard to weight - We have based everything on the minimum.
  • A weaning weight of 250 grams at approximately 3 weeks
  • At Pet shop say another 3 weeks
  • At previous owners for 4 weeks
His current weight 593 grams - 250 weaning weight = 343 grams
Divide 343 grams by average expected ( estimate ) weekly weight gain of 30 grams = 11 weeks

So adding all up all the guesses :D = 21 weeks = 5 months... a pure guess..

It is a good idea to weigh your piggie weekly at approximately the same time and day of the week, as your piggie is still young you will see a gradual weekly weight gain which will even out when he becomes fully grown in about 12 to 15 months..Also as he's still quite young he has plenty of time to make up any lost ground.. We plot charts of all our piggies as the important thing to look for in piggies weight is trends..

We have included a link about weighing Guinea Pigs..

In the meantime can you please add your location to your profile as it helps fellow members give any answers to questions you may have that may be area/country specific. This can be done by clicking on your username, then personal details, then add location.....

Lisa & Ali...

P.S He's absolutely gorgeous.... :love::drool:
Okay! I am happy we all came up with 5 months, and I added my location! I also read the link and then the food one too! I am planning to weigh him every Friday and I am keeping a list, so I know if anything goes wrong. Oh! And thanks I think he is quite adorable myself. Abyssinian if my research is correct...
I would like to get him a friend but we don't have the space now and idk when we will. I would rather have one very spoiled piggie than 2 that are squashed together. Don't worry though! I make sure he has plenty of floor time and cuddles and a soft pillow and stuffed animal to cuddle with.
I would LOVE to do that also. I'm thinking of contacting one of the GP rescues here, which isn't many lol. I'm going to see if they need any foster homes. But I think I would only do females as I don't want the boys to fight ect., Because smell my girls and then if I fell in love with them maybe I could keep them. :)
Yeah my fiancée is worried our shelter would turn into a farm where I just kept all the animals! I told him I might be a guinea pig person and he says I am an animal person in general. Sheldon will be trying bell pepper tonight for the first time! We usually try new foods during our nightly cuddles, that way I can see his reaction.
Oh Kitty and Nancy Love them! Lol that's probably what would happen to me hahaha.

I would love to have a small hobby farm. We sort of did when I grew up. We use to show horses and I even had a couple pet goats lol. Francis and Egbert don't ask where I got those from. Francis was pretty much my dad's. And we had cats a dog or two and 5 horses.
I weighed Kitty today she is 1# 15 5/8 oz!:yikes: That seems like a lot for only being 4-5 months old. Nancy was 15 1/2oz. I'm worried that maybe she is preggers she does have a belly.

I didn't weigh them when I first got them so I don't know how much she weighed then. But she didn't have a big belly like she does now. :soz:
I don't know. I couldn't find any rescues and even the humane society didn't have any females at the time, so we got them at (hangs head in shame) Petco. I am guessing the only way that she could have been was during transport to the store. She is the top pig so maybe she is just (pun intended lol) a pig. But her tummy does feel a bit hard and she is getting more of a pear shape. I don't know if there is a way to feed them their pellets separately? I don't know how I could. I guess I could hand feed them each or Summer can hand feed nancy her daily amount. But I'm not sure how much each of them should get a day at this age.
I understand that pellets and hay should be avaliable all the time but if she is overweight then I guess you should decrease pellet amount? Or seperate them while feeding. But I don't think she can get overweight at this age, she is growing. But don't just take my opinion. It's just my opinion
No I think you're right, she is growing. But almost 2# at this age and a girl seems odd and it all seems to be in her belly. I guess time will tell. I keep holding my fingers on her tummy to maybe feel something moving. I think it might be too soon though.
Yeah if she is then it's too soon to feel anything. If it makes you feel better Sheldon has developed a habit of cough/hacking about 3 times at night on my chest. Only at night. Only during cuddles and has no other symptoms. So I am worried with you. He JUST did it and then yawned and laid down. Idk.
Kitty does that sometimes too, but otherwise is fine. I was reading another thread on here about someone else's that does that also. She did it last night but now hasn't done it today. But I've been busy and have only sat and held her once today. I'm going for number two soon. I wouldn't worry about it unless his eye and nose starts to run ect.
I wish I knew how long she had been at the store before I got her. I've had her a little over 3 weeks. Maybe I could find out? I'm going to go get a couple things tomorrow. I will see if they can find out. I was there earlier this last week and her sister was still there, it has to be her sister they look almost identical in color and age. I kind of want to get her, but I heard that trios are hard and if she does have babies I will have my hands full lol.
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