How Often is Travel Stressful for Guinea Pigs?


New Born Pup
Sep 25, 2019
Reaction score
Leicester, United Kingdom

I travel to Liverpool once a month to see my partner's family with him and I leave my 2 babies with a boarder but I'm becoming worried that maybe it's too much for them?

They don't seem bothered or show any negative signs upon arriving home - but I was just wondering is leaving them with a boarder 3-4 days each month too often? Or am I okay?

I do really take care of them and want to do the best for them, but also my partner wants me to come up with him each month so I can't really go less often.

As long as they don't seem bothered by going to the boarder then that is fine.
Piggies can be surprisingly adaptable when necessary, and if they go there regularly they probably just see it as a second home.

Most important is that you are clearly a very caring owner, as you don't risk leaving them at home along for a few days.
Well done for finding a solution that works for you, and makes sure your piggies are always safe and well cared for.
I think if it's part of their routine and a positive experience they'd remember that and be OK. You could try weighing them before you leave and when you return - same weights = chomping pigs = OK! Any significant losses and I might reconsider... esp if it's every time?