How often do you change the fleece?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 29, 2011
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I line my pigs home with first a few layers of newspaper, then a bath towel and then a fleece. I change them every morning. Is this enough? How often do you change yours?
I change the paper once a day usually depending how the litter training is going. The fleece is anything from three days to five. This alsop depends on litter training and how many pee's go on it.
My girls get fleece changed at least every three days as for some reason they smell like a stables ><
every other day. but i use a thick layer of newspaper, then about 6 hand and bath towels, then fleece blankets or profleece over that. :)
Every 3-5 days. It just depends on when the fleece starts to get damp where they like to pee.
Every 2nd or 3rd day. It used to be every 2nd day until their cage was changed to give them more room. I think it depends on number of piggys and space. I remove poop etc twice a day though.
I change mine every 2-3 days, and i change their potty box every day as they seems to have started using it most the time yaay :):)
once a week unless its wet. They spend more time downstairs in the hutch which is shredded paper and newspaper which is changed every other day. I have three litterboxes upstairs which all 4 use often enough to keep the towels and fleece dry enough that it doesnt need changing very often.
Oh goody :) Thanks for replying. I have been changing him everyday but it was getting a bit much doing the laundry and changing him before I went to work. Glad I can rest a bit easier now :)
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