How much veg?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 9, 2006
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Can you give a young piggy to much veg/salad? The reason I'm asking is my bun was spayed yesterday and is temporarily in the same room as Fudge my piggy. I'm having to tempt her to eat with grated carrot and cucumber, and Fudge, although he's had his breakfast is squeaking away for it! I tend to give him a couple of leaves, 3 slices of carrot and a chunk of cucumber in the morning. Should he have more than this? I've tried him with fruit and other salad/veg but he's not that keen. Loves carrot and cucumber though!


Kathryn xx
I think a tiny bit extra won't hurt him! Don't get into the habit of giving him something every time he squeaks though or you will never have any peace again! I wouldn't give too much green leafy stuff to a little one as it can upset their stomachs.

What you are feeding him is fine but there is not that much Vitamin C rich food there. If I have a pig that is stubborn with food I am a bit mean with them and just keep on offering it without much of the favourite foods to choose from instead! It makes your life so much easier if they eat a range of foods. The only things my lot won't eat are tomatoes and peppers despite lots of trying on my part!
Thanks for your reply, what would be good to try for vitamin C?
Vit C rich foods are things like broccoli, spring greens etc.

There is an excellent shopping list pinned on this forum - have a peek and see if there is anything that will tempt your little one!
My 2 get a hand full of veg morning and night and they wheek everytime the fridge door opens. :)
Or every time the front door opens, (dandelions) or everytime the back door opens (grass) or every time you open a packet of crisps or chocolate, or when I sit down with my own dinner................. ;D ;D ;D
But it would be interesting to know how much veg is a good idea from the point of not wanting them to get diarrhoea at some point because of too much greens...

I read somewhere that they give their pig (average size) about 300g of veg each day, plus lots of hay.

What is the recommended amount?

I cant really judge when my piggies had enough, because they would eat on and on and on for the simple fact that they wouldnt want the other piggies possibly having more than they had. they never seem to stop!
my lot always stop when they have had enough if I find they are leaving lots of a veg they normally like I miss a day, the day off seems to give them renewed appetites mine have a mix of carrot broccoli cabbage celery apple dandelions and occasional cucumber and parsley and melon, I would expect too much would cause problems, so keep a note of whats been given and whats not been eaten
I have a little bowl that sits next to Squeaks food bowl. Its a lot smaller than her other food bowl, so I fill that with veg everyday, giving her something a little different each day incase she gets bored - although can piggies get bored of food? haha It holds about a good handful of things like cabbage etc, then i put bits on the top like carrots or bits of apple etc

Cause the bowls quite small, it means I hopefully cant over feed her with the veg and salad.. although i'm sure she'd love that - she never seems to stop eating! haha I'm sure the other day I saw her tummy touching the floor as she sat up on the bowl to eat.... I'm thinking of a salad diet for her and a treadmill! ;D

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