How Much Shedding Of Hair Is Normal?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 2, 2015
Reaction score
I can't find a thread on this so I'm extremely sorry if this is a repeat but I just wanted to know how much is normal shredding of hair? I have Sven-Erik, who is long-haired, and Nils-Olof, who has a straight coat. Nils-Olof tends to leave behind so much hair in the cage and during lap time, the fleece is covered in grey/white hairs. ? I don't see bald patches on him anywhere though and both are indoor piggies. Can this be due to seasons? Diets or particular foods? Or is it normal? It just seems like a lot of hair loss. Maybe I'm over reacting..?
Some guinea pigs shed hair more than others, and it can also vary depending on the time of year. I notice more shed hairs in spring or autumn.
My teddy Nerys looks like she can outfit a whole Mongolian felt yurt all on her own at times, but just when you think that she surely must be showing signs of baldness, it stops!

It is however important that you always check whether any major hair loss is all evenly spread over the body and that there are no bald patches or signs of itchiness.
Thanks @Wiebke , I will definately keep an eye out on him. I thought perhaps they lose hair like humans do each day but it just looks excessive when I'm trying to vaccum the cage or fleece we've had him on for lap time - hair is everywhere! :doh:
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