How Much Rumblstruting Is Normal?

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Nic bee

Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 5, 2015
Reaction score
Leeds, west Yorkshire
Hello, I have 2 boars, & my oldest dominant one I hear rumbling at my little one about 20 times a day. Their behaviour is normal apart from this.
I'm a new piggy mum & just wondered how it sounded to you experienced ones?
Thank you. No aggression, my 3mth old doesn't even seem to notice & it's normally because he's running into my sleeping older boar but just thought is check!
Thanks again
You might notice some behaviour changes in your younger pig as he reaches the 4 months stage and his adolescent hormones kick in, but hopefully by then, they will have a strong enough bond. The little one might try to challenge your older pig for dominance, although it's not always the case. Just don't panic with them and let them sort it out between them. x
I am terified of them falling out! , which is why I was asking actually, seeing if this was the 1st sign! They seem to get along well though, so I hope it continues. My 7mth old is very laid back so I'm hoping he'll ignore the little ones teenage hormones when they appear!
They should be fine. Don't panic unnecessarily. It seems you have a contrast of personalities, which is good. I've had pigs that have sailed through the adolescent stage - which ends around the year mark - and others who have had a rockier road, with rumbling and sniping. One particular pair continued that way for the rest of their days together, but if you took one away, the other would be searching for his friend! Sometimes with boars, it can be a very love/hate relationship, but seeing as you have a laid back boy, things should all fall into place pretty well. Just make sure they have two hideys, so they can get away from each other if they want to. What size accommodation are they in?
Thank you, they do have a hidey each & are well bonded from a good rescue. Their cage is 120 but they spend most of the day in a 6ft x 6ft run. IMG_20151203_140503.webp
Which has taken over my living room! It appears my 2 little furbabies have taken over my life! !
In their cage they do sit in the separate pigloos which is sad! But squeak for each other after a while! X
Thanks for your advice, that's interesting! Ive bought a floor and steps for their cage but it seems piggie dependant on if they'll even use the ladders or not? So not sure if I should bother putting that in..
Will keep my eyes on their relationship anyway and hope they are a couple who sail through. . If not I will have to look at a bigger home.
Nothing to worry about at all. My Paddy is always rumbling at Rohan, there's at least a few rumbles a day on a normal occasion hehee, so yeah it's completely normal. :D
Thank you. I'm sure he does it at us too if I sneeze or cough or bang about he rumbles. I'm sure it's not coincidence? ?
Thank you. I'm sure he does it at us too if I sneeze or cough or bang about he rumbles. I'm sure it's not coincidence? ?

It's not coincidence, my two rumble at me too, particularly if I make a sudden noise like a sneeze, or movement such as walking past the cage too quickly. It's just their way of letting you know that they don't like it or that it's frightened them.

Also they are prey animals so in the wild they'd react to sudden noises and movement by hiding or by alerting others that there could be danger nearby. I don't know whether they'd make a rumbling noise in this instance or whether it's be a different noise, but I think it's all linked somehow with their wild instincts. :)
Oh man. These piggies are complex little furries!
The rumbling whether at a sneeze sounds the same to me. Sigh. I'm sure I'll get to understand them soon! Thanks for pointing out the reaction to a sneeze could be a scared reaction. Rather than an angry one which is what I was thinking!
I have been worrying about my two 4 month old boars too ! My slightly bigger one (Harry) is constantly rumbling and does alot of bum shaking . . . My littler one (Bane) doesnt try anything back but harry is acting very hormonal lol . . So i also hope i dont have to end up splitting them because I'm not sure theyre really bonded . . . Harry seems to be a little mean and doesnt let bane in the upstairs bed so ive had to put one downstaiirs for bane ? Is tjat normal ? They dont snuggle or spend much time with each other ?
That's completely normal, they are going through the teenage stage were they are establishing who is boss. Just let them work through it, so long as there is no actual fighting where they draw blood then it's fine.

You may find that they rumble more after you've cleaned the cage out or bathed them, because you've removed their scents so they take that as another opportunity to assert their dominance and mark their scent again.
That's completely normal. Allow me to share some of my experience. My guinea pigs usually start rumbling at around 3 to 4 weeks depending on what group they belong. The boars usually mature early when they have a sow as a neighbor. I didn't really adopt the hiding hole for them( By that i mean they're quite relaxed in the pen with the environment). It tends the alphas to become territorial and fight among themselves. I usually put the young ones with my older boars for them to learn how to become submissive. I don't really get the problem with boars fighting each other. Some of my 14 weeks old boars are doing fine having another boar on a pen. Just try to look after them when some of your sows are in heat. That's a different matter. They really become grumpy and try nipping at each other when they find a sows scent.
Ok thanks ill keep an eye out , i just cant help thinking that harry likes being alone as he rarly comes out other than to eat but bane looks a little lonely makes me sad to see it , i bought them as a pair so i just hope they get to where they need to be to be happy ☺. Thanks
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