How much poop is normal

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Sep 17, 2012
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Hi all

I'm aware small rodents poop a lot but just want to check that finding a cage full of the stuff only 12 hours after cleaning it is normal.

They're properly formed and don't look too soft/dry

They do poo a lot! I think it's about 100 odd a day per pig. I wouldn't worry with having too many poops, just do a quick poo pick every day and that should keep it under control :)). Having too little is when you need to worry :)
Thanks for the quick response.

That's what I thought, they do eat lots of hay and I have read that the poop just shows they have lots moving through their little systems.

They're on a fleece blanket so a poo pick is easy :)
Yes, they are little poop machines. Mine are on fleece too, which does make it easier to do a quick poo pick!
A good guinea pig diet should consist of up to 80% hay to keep their guts and crucial back teeth healthy. That is nutritionally rather poor food, so piggies need to a eat and process a lot of it - hence the many poos!

I poo patrol once or twice daily in my cages. it is more obvious on fleece just how many poos a healthy piggy makes.

Please weigh your piggies weekly to monitor their health, but if you see noticeably less poos, weight daily to make sure one them is not losing any weight - always a major danger sign!
Hi all

I'm aware small rodents poop a lot but just want to check that finding a cage full of the stuff only 12 hours after cleaning it is normal.

They're properly formed and don't look too soft/dry


I have to do poop patrols twice a day

So much poo {:|
I have to sweep poos 2 times every day. I once wasnt feeling well & went to bed without sweeping...whoa is all i could say in the morning.
Seems what we're experiencing is normal...tehehehe.

You've all made me feel better, Thanks :)
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