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How much parsley a day can GP eat?

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Aug 17, 2011
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North Wales
My little guinea pig doesn't want to eat red pepper really :( as it needs vitamin C and loves parsley thought its ok but how much of parsley can a little and adult GP eat safely a day?
Parsley is a treat and should be fed sparingly, I wouldn't give it no more than twice a week.

What about yellow and green pepper, have you tried them?

Remember Guinea Pig pellet's have added Vitamin C to!
I buy vitamin C tablets from hay expert and give my guinea pigs one a day to help with their vitamin c.
Thank you for your answers:)
I tried red pepper, doesn't really like, the same yellow. Today will try orange and green..Thankfully he eats his pellets:) I still worry he may not get enough of his daily vitamin C:...
I know parsley is high in calcium that's why I asked my question:)
I was thinking about liquidy form of vit C ot tablets from pet shops .

How many times have you tried feeding the pepper? Our girls wouldn't eat it eat for a few weeks fudge still isn't too keen but truffle really likes it now so could be worth keep trying it.

How many times have you tried feeding the pepper? Our girls wouldn't eat it eat for a few weeks fudge still isn't too keen but truffle really likes it now so could be worth keep trying it.

This! I've found pepper to be one of those "but it smells weird so I won't touch it" veggies with my piggies. My original 3 ladies wouldn't touch it at all. It took my next two ladies (especially my Willow that goes crazy for pepper!) to teach them that really, pepper is very very yummy!

It would be worth persevering to see if they'll come around to it. If not, I believe broccoli is quite high in vitamin C - so it'd be worth giving them a small piece of that every so often! :)
I give Mini G a few stalks of parsely every saturday! Ha.

My G doesn't like green or yellow pepper much but LOVES red and orange pepper! She has a little orange moustache after eating it! It's well cute!

Persevere - not all piggies will eat every veg at first try; any colour pepper will do. You may find that green pepper goes down best.

You have also other options - broccoli, other herbs like dill, basil, mint, fennel or you can feed a couple of medium rich vitamin C veg instead. A good varied diet should usually do the trick, so that you only need to top up your piggies with with artificial vitamin C when they are ill.

Here is a chart that lists the vitamin C content for each veg: http://www.guinealynx.info/chart.html
Carrots, Spring Greens and curly Kale.

Packed full of vit C and most guinea pigs wolf them down.

Though I recommend adding soluble vit c to pigs water anyway, you can never overdose on vit c, any access the body doesnt use is gotten rid of in the urine. :)

*edited to add* Red peppers should not be fed everyday, it may be high in vit c, but its also packed full of sugar and will cause weight gain and possible teeth and mouth problems if fed over the long term. Mine get them once a week.
Also, it stains the wee pink. LOL
My boy gets parsley eveyday, small amounts though but I think I better cut it back after hearing this.

He is so fussy, he only likes parsley and green beans, he puts up with carrots, cuecumber and brocholi but it gets slightly nibbled then left.

I've tried everything for him but nope, if he does not get his parsley he ignores the rest and sits there looking at you then starts chewing the bars :(

Wierd piggie, doesn't even like grass or dandelion leaves <sigh>
I find them really fussy eaters - tried Parsley (won't touch it), Red Pepper (won't touch it), Spinach (won't touch it), Kale (won't touch it).......the only thing they seem to eat is Romaine Lettuce, Green Beans and Cucumber. They do like Broccoli stems but I am reluctant to feed them as they're not meant to be great for the animals.

Even tried them with Raspberries yesterday and proper sniffed at those.
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Thank you all for useful tips.
My piggie eats pak choy, broccoli and sprouts and are high in vitamin c so it is really great. Today I will try kiwi as well. Bought Guinea Pig Vitamin Solution in case.
I find them really fussy eaters - tried Parsley (won't touch it), Red Pepper (won't touch it), Spinach (won't touch it), Kale (won't touch it).......the only thing they seem to eat is Romaine Lettuce, Green Beans and Cucumber. They do like Broccoli stems but I am reluctant to feed them as they're not meant to be great for the animals.

Even tried them with Raspberries yesterday and proper sniffed at those.

My piggies were like this when I first got them. They only ate carrots and dried food but I kept putting things in and now they eat parsley, lettuce (not iceberg though), celery, coriander and other stuff. They stilll won't touch peppers and cucumbers though.
That's great your piggies eat a lot of veg :D
Yay, my piggie has just eaten cucumber with vitamins sprinkled all over it, likes basil (although pulls faces when eats it) and brussel sprouts
Carrots, Spring Greens and curly Kale.

Packed full of vit C and most guinea pigs wolf them down.

Though I recommend adding soluble vit c to pigs water anyway, you can never overdose on vit c, any access the body doesnt use is gotten rid of in the urine. :)

*edited to add* Red peppers should not be fed everyday, it may be high in vit c, but its also packed full of sugar and will cause weight gain and possible teeth and mouth problems if fed over the long term. Mine get them once a week.
Also, it stains the wee pink. LOL

But Spring Greens and Kale are high in Oxalic Acid and Calcium as well aren't they?
My boy gets parsley eveyday, small amounts though but I think I better cut it back after hearing this.

He is so fussy, he only likes parsley and green beans, he puts up with carrots, cuecumber and brocholi but it gets slightly nibbled then left.

I've tried everything for him but nope, if he does not get his parsley he ignores the rest and sits there looking at you then starts chewing the bars :(

Wierd piggie, doesn't even like grass or dandelion leaves <sigh>

Mine hardly eats any variation. I haven't tried him with beans though - *moseys off to see calcium etc content of beans*
Thank you for your answers:)
I tried red pepper, doesn't really like, the same yellow. Today will try orange and green..Thankfully he eats his pellets:) I still worry he may not get enough of his daily vitamin C:...
I know parsley is high in calcium that's why I asked my question:)
I was thinking about liquidy form of vit C ot tablets from pet shops .

I give my guinea pigs 1/4 of a 50mg Oxbow vitamin C tablet a day. And fruits (every other day) lettuce every other day and veggies twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening in small portions.
It has been a year since I got my boy, and he still won't touch carrots. But he loves every color of bell pepper.
some piggies are fussier than others. When I took Buddy in it was clear he hadn't really had veg before and he wouldn't touch pepper before so I cut a piece and left it in his cage for 3 days until he finally tried and ate it, it was wrinkled and soft by then but he still ate it and now its the first thing gone at veggie time
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