Hello everyone,
I have noticed one of my girls (Lou),
has been producing eye discharge off and on for the past few days,
mainly out of one eye.
Apart from that she seems perfectly fine.
Is this normal or should I take her to the vet?
Any information or advice is greatly appreciated,
Can you please tell us what the discharge looks like?
- milky white fluid: normal eye cleaning fluid that is usually reabsorbed via the tear duct. It dries to white hard drops if spilled.
- watery tear fluid: sign of an irritation and injury and of pain. If it keeps going, please see a vet for a potential injury to the eye, something stuck under a lid or an infection of conjunctiva. Watery fluid dries to a transparent crust.
- Greyish/light bluish gunk: infectious ulceration caused by either a surface scratch or an eye poke. Please see a vet promptly within a day since eye injuries can deteriorate very quickly but they also usually heal much better if caught and treated early on. The extent is usually much larger than visible to the naked eye. Vets use a special dye and UV light for their examination.
Treatment and medication is the same as for cats and dogs, so in this case the earliest possible appointment at any vets within your reach comes before the need to see a specialist. In the UK eye injuries are usually squeezed in as soon as possible.
- Yellow/green/orange mucussy gunk and crusts that can at the worst glue an eye shut: see a vet promptly for a well set in untreated bacterial URI (upper respiratory tract infection). You will need an antibiotic and a thorough check of the airways, which in the UK are prescription only. URI can potentially kill.
Without knowing the nature of the discharge we cannot help you further, unfortunately.