How Many Poos?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
My piggies are pooing machines, every morning feels like I am lifting 150 little chocolate chips off the floor of their cage.
Thankfully all I can smell is hay :-D It might only be 50 poos LOL!. About half an hour after cleaning they've sprinkled the floor again with these lil chocco-drops!

They also only wee in the 4 corners... very clever piggies =) I just never expected sooooo many!
I can see why I was reading on one of the boards, "can I leave my piggies for 2 days?"
errrrr NO! Hahaha

Have I just got the pigs that poop the most? xx
No! You just have got two very healthy eating machines! Guinea pigs have evolved to live on a nutrionally rather poor grass diet, which means that they have to eat and process far larger quantities of food than for instant predators, who can get by with a much smaller quantity of high energy meat based diet. Be glad that they are not elephant sized...;)
As Wiebke says, you have two very healthy piggies. Its when you don't see poops that you have to start worrying!
That is normal. I agree with both above posts. :) My piggies poop all of the time, and though my father tells me that I'm feeding them too much, I would rather they pooped a lot than a little. :))
LOL I had no idea what little poop machines they were either! but now after reading on this forum how bad it is when they don't poop, seeing all those little pellets actually makes me happy! never thought i'd be saying that!
My guinea pig is exactly the same I clean up the cage at least twice a day!
What irritates me the most is when I have just spent an hour cleaning them out and they have a lovely smelling hutch with nice soft clean fleece and within minutes one of the little darlings has left a poop in the middle of the top deck - right where I can see it! And I am sure I have seen them laughing at me!
So glad that its a good thin i see loads lol with having 3 I clean them every day x x x
Yes definitely will look forward to picking up those poos and def grateful they are not elephant sized ;)
Healthy piggies please ;)
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