how long would you leave teeth chattering piggies together

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
how long would you leave piggies together for if one is teeth chattering and chasing another one? the other one just runs. (no blood or bites yet)

They are both girls and have been living together over a year, they also live with another girl and a boy.
ha ha about a year so far! my two have had a few scuffles and teeth chatter a lot and chase, but no blood and its easing off now.
ha ha about a year so far! my two have had a few scuffles and teeth chatter a lot and chase, but no blood and its easing off now.

poor you, are they boys or girls?

how long has it been going on for so far?

since this morning so not long, but i know teeth chattering isn't a good sign.

i feel sorry for the chased as she doesnt normally put up with anything she normally fights back but she isnt :(
I'd leave them to it then, they'll probably settle back down again. There was probably a scuffle over night or something and the pecking order has just changed a bit. Step in if it gets too vicious, but it's best to let them sort it out between themselves.
thanks thats what i was going to do i just feel for poor toffee she's more of a loner piggy anyways bless her.
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