How long will this go


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 28, 2025
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My nerves are shot and not sure how long I can let this continue to happen. Baby Zeus (5 weeks 200grams) is in with his brother and dad for day two. They got through the bonding stage and then neutral space all day yesterday and now are in a clean new cage and Mr. muffins is constantly mounting baby Zeus. How long will this go on for? Zeus makes these awful little sad noises. Part of me wants to separate out muffins and leave the brothers to themselves. The plan is that muffins will get neutered on April 8 and rejoin pumpkin (female) and his 5 week old daughter 6 weeks later. I was hoping the boys could be with him for a bit to learn from him and to give him company, but I’m just really worried about Zeus
I hear you and unfortunately I don't know the answer. Sending support and hoping somebody will be along to give you information soon.
I hear you and unfortunately I don't know the answer. Sending support and hoping somebody will be along to give you information soon.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. It’s just so hard to watch. For now, I put a little box with lots of hay in the cage that only Zeus can get in and out of just so that he can take a break when he needs to.
My nerves are shot and not sure how long I can let this continue to happen. Baby Zeus (5 weeks 200grams) is in with his brother and dad for day two. They got through the bonding stage and then neutral space all day yesterday and now are in a clean new cage and Mr. muffins is constantly mounting baby Zeus. How long will this go on for? Zeus makes these awful little sad noises. Part of me wants to separate out muffins and leave the brothers to themselves. The plan is that muffins will get neutered on April 8 and rejoin pumpkin (female) and his 5 week old daughter 6 weeks later. I was hoping the boys could be with him for a bit to learn from him and to give him company, but I’m just really worried about Zeus


Zeus is submission screaming; which is entirely the correct response. As we strongly recommend in the chapter boar bonding and baby bonding of our bonding guide link, please provide a little box with two small entrances that dad cannot get into but that provide a refuge for Zeus if the mounting is getting too much.
This is not at all uncommon for the post-intro group establishment phase but some dominant boys can go somewhat overboard when their gonads shortcircuit the brain.

Here is the link again:
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics

Here is our guide to understanding dominance behaviours:
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs

And behaviours generally:
A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours

Zeus is submission screaming; which is entirely the correct response. As we strongly recommend in the chapter boar bonding and baby bonding of our bonding guide link, please provide a little box with two small entrances that dad cannot get into but that provide a refuge for Zeus if the mounting is getting too much.
This is not at all uncommon for the post-intro group establishment phase but some dominant boys can go somewhat overboard when their gonads shortcircuit the brain.

Here is the link again:
Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics

Here is our guide to understanding dominance behaviours:
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs

And behaviours generally:
A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours
I can’t thank you enough! Hopefully I will read something about the boar glue. That is all over Zeus‘s back too. I just wanna say that you guys have been lifesavers in this forum. I truly cannot thank you enough. This has been a joyful but hard period of our lives and I talk about this group all the time to my family.
I can’t thank you enough! Hopefully I will read something about the boar glue. That is all over Zeus‘s back too. I just wanna say that you guys have been lifesavers in this forum. I truly cannot thank you enough. This has been a joyful but hard period of our lives and I talk about this group all the time to my family.
And sorry I have a kiddo at home sick and I’m working so I’m relying upon Voice to text
I can’t thank you enough! Hopefully I will read something about the boar glue. That is all over Zeus‘s back too. I just wanna say that you guys have been lifesavers in this forum. I truly cannot thank you enough. This has been a joyful but hard period of our lives and I talk about this group all the time to my family.

Boar glue is best left alone. It is going to fall off on its own after a few days at some point unless it is sitting so loosely in the coat that you can gently cut it off with a pair of scissors - which it doesn't sound like in tiny Zeus's case. The vernacular name is very descriptive.
PS: Make sure that you have some hay and a little watery veg in the box and some more hay outside with using the same veg to try and distract the two bigger boys away from the box.
The baby keeps wanting to come out and be with muffins and then muffins starts right back up


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The baby keeps wanting to come out and be with muffins and then muffins starts right back up

If the little one wants to be with Muffin and is wanting to hide away, then let them work through it. Muffin will eventually run out of steam even if it can last several days.

You see the same with freshly neutered boars and sows as well... It is admittedly not pretty.
If the little one wants to be with Muffin and is wanting to hide away, then let them work through it. Muffin will eventually run out of steam even if it can last several days.

You see the same with freshly neutered boars and sows as well... It is admittedly not pretty.
This is really good for me to keep in mind because eventually the plan is to have muffin neutered and rebonded with Miss pumpkin and their daughter
This is really good for me to keep in mind because eventually the plan is to have muffin neutered and rebonded with Miss pumpkin and their daughter

He may profit from spending time next to them in order to get over the initial hormone rush and to start producing a calming compound around female pheromones.
We will be sure to do that. Thank you so much! We will have plenty of time from when he is neutered and then cannot be with them for six weeks.
If he can spend those six weeks next to the girls, then any bonding will go a lot smoother. Just make sure that he cannot get at the girls when they are in season. Boars can be astonishingly athletic and determined!

I have had around 20 'husboars' over the years and lots of cross gender bondings seeing that they have lived with 1 to up to 13 wives at once and more in succession depending on age gaps.
Zeus is doing amazing and we never could’ve done it without all of you! His weight is up to over 200 grams and he and his brother badger are doing great in the cage with Mr. muffins! This won’t be a long-term solution. Mr. muffins is getting neutered on April 8 and will stay with the boys for six weeks before moving back in with Miss pumpkin. We found an amazing home for a little hopper with 21 year-old females in a neighboring town. It looks like it’s going to be a great fit and she is moving out this weekend. I worry about mom, but truly she does not pay much attention to Miss Hopper at all. We are looking for a new home for a little badger only because our landlord who really is clueless has said we may not have more than three. We are keeping little Zeus because we believe he will continue to need extra help. I am not sure what we are going to do with him when badger moves out and muffin moves in with Miss pumpkin. Could we have him in a side-by-side cage next to mom and dad?


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