How long until fleece is ready?

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Dec 22, 2011
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Baltimore, MD USA
I've washed my fleece 3-4 times and dried (without fabric softeners), but it still does not wick liquid. I thought I had it, but after the second day my cage smelled terrible! Maybe I need to do it a few more times? It's definitely 100% polyester fleece...

My question is how long did it take for your fleece to wick liquid through? I read 3 times, but I'm essentially on my 5th wash now and it's still being stubborn... any more tips?
Is the wee still pooling on top of the fleece? It should be sinking straight through by now :(

What do you have under the fleece to absorb the liquid?
Some times it takes a while, i don't think 3 washed is enough either, i just say they do improve with more washes, of course if you have no absorbent layer underneath it's not going to go anywhere also some washing powders/liquids have softener in them (i only mention it because i've done it before:))) , you can use it but as you have found you will need to change more regularly but that also depends on size of cage and how many piggies you have,

Just keep washing and drying and if you cant get rid of smells use soem white vinegar
mine was fine after three washes, but maybe as I have towels underneath and then a thick layer of newspaper it helps.
I'm so lucky-at the moment my girls dont wee on the fleece.:)
I leave a section thats just newspaper and they wee on that so I can just change that area often, I dont know if this will change when they are adults.
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