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Dental How long to return to normal after dental?


New Born Pup
Jul 29, 2018
Reaction score
Lincoln, UK
Hi, back in March one of our pigs stopped eating properly so we took him to see the vets. He was booked in for an xray and dental. In the xray they found he had a a piece of impacted food stuck in one of his cheeks which had caused a sore on the inside of his mouth. This was removed and his molars were slightly filed and within 2 days he was back to normal.

Earlier this week he stopped eating properly again and we suspected a similar thing may have have happened so booked him back into the vets who are usually very good. Anyway, the vet said his teeth were a mess and overgrown and he was booked in for a dental the next day (Thursday) where they trimmed his molars and bottom incisors. This time it seems to be taking a lot longer than last time to get him back to normal. On Friday he wasn't eating at all so we took him back to the vets who examined him and said everything was fine and gave us some complete care to syringe feed him. Yesterday we managed to get him to eat a bit of solid food but he struggles to bite and chew so we have to break it up for him. Today he seems to be doing slightly better and came out for breakfast and ate more but still slow and still seemed to struggle. We have seen him eat some hay and some his nuggets but it all still looks uncomfortable for him and there's often lots of excessive mouth movement. We are still syringing him the complete care but he doesn't really like it. He's normally quite active and vocal and whilst he has been coming out of his cage and squeaking occasionally, he's spending most of his time in his hut (sometimes hunched, sometimes laid down). He's on 0.4 ml Metacam for the pain but am wondering if this is a normal recovery time frame for a dental? It's certainly slower than last time but it sounds like there was more done to the teeth this time. He's also lost about 100g (1.2 kg down to 1.1 kg).

We are aware of the dental vet at Northampton and have agreed that of he doesn't get better we will try and get him an appointment there, but it the meantime would like to know if the above is normal after dental or if it still sounds like there is a problem?
Hi, back in March one of our pigs stopped eating properly so we took him to see the vets. He was booked in for an xray and dental. In the xray they found he had a a piece of impacted food stuck in one of his cheeks which had caused a sore on the inside of his mouth. This was removed and his molars were slightly filed and within 2 days he was back to normal.

Earlier this week he stopped eating properly again and we suspected a similar thing may have have happened so booked him back into the vets who are usually very good. Anyway, the vet said his teeth were a mess and overgrown and he was booked in for a dental the next day (Thursday) where they trimmed his molars and bottom incisors. This time it seems to be taking a lot longer than last time to get him back to normal. On Friday he wasn't eating at all so we took him back to the vets who examined him and said everything was fine and gave us some complete care to syringe feed him. Yesterday we managed to get him to eat a bit of solid food but he struggles to bite and chew so we have to break it up for him. Today he seems to be doing slightly better and came out for breakfast and ate more but still slow and still seemed to struggle. We have seen him eat some hay and some his nuggets but it all still looks uncomfortable for him and there's often lots of excessive mouth movement. We are still syringing him the complete care but he doesn't really like it. He's normally quite active and vocal and whilst he has been coming out of his cage and squeaking occasionally, he's spending most of his time in his hut (sometimes hunched, sometimes laid down). He's on 0.4 ml Metacam for the pain but am wondering if this is a normal recovery time frame for a dental? It's certainly slower than last time but it sounds like there was more done to the teeth this time. He's also lost about 100g (1.2 kg down to 1.1 kg).

We are aware of the dental vet at Northampton and have agreed that of he doesn't get better we will try and get him an appointment there, but it the meantime would like to know if the above is normal after dental or if it still sounds like there is a problem?


If your boy is still not eating, then either the teeth are not done properly and chewing is not comfortable or there is an ongoing underlying pain issue.

Please keep on syringe feeding but I would strongly recommend that you book an appointment at the Cat&Rabbit Care Clinic in Northampton, even if it means that you have to take a day off work or book well ahead for a Saturday slot. Sadly guinea pig dentals don't feature on any vet's curriculum and this is a real problem.
Cat and Rabbit Care Clinic | Northlands Vets

The weight loss is not great but thankfully not on the worrying side.
If you can I would get him checked out by Simon or Kim Maddock at the Cat and Rabbit at Northampton. They will check his mouth and will consciously file any teeth/spurs that have not been Done correctly while you wait. They have so much expertise between them, both amazing when it comes to dental problems.
My Ted took around 6 weeks after a local dental done badly to eat some veggies (tiny bits of veggies and grass) no hay. The vet wanted to have him PTS, but then I found this forum and was advised to visit Simon Maddock and we have never looked back. Ted was eating hay within 10 minutes of a conscious dental, can’t recommend them enough 😄
If you can I would get him checked out by Simon or Kim Maddock at the Cat and Rabbit at Northampton. They will check his mouth and will consciously file any teeth/spurs that have not been Done correctly while you wait. They have so much expertise between them, both amazing when it comes to dental problems.
My Ted took around 6 weeks after a local dental done badly to eat some veggies (tiny bits of veggies and grass) no hay. The vet wanted to have him PTS, but then I found this forum and was advised to visit Simon Maddock and we have never looked back. Ted was eating hay within 10 minutes of a conscious dental, can’t recommend them enough 😄
Thanks for the advice, regardless of the outcome I think we will definately have him checked out by them. Its a couple of hours drive so not the end of the world. Out of interest, do you k ow how quickly they can normally get them in and what the cost is likely to be?
Thanks for the advice, regardless of the outcome I think we will definately have him checked out by them. Its a couple of hours drive so not the end of the world. Out of interest, do you k ow how quickly they can normally get them in and what the cost is likely to be?
I’d ring up soon as they are always so busy and appointments are taken very quickly, they open at 8.00 am. Some weeks they don’t have any but emergency ones. It will put your mind at ease, and you’ll know what the problem is.
We travel from Cornwall, we pay £60 for a conscious dental. There is a registration fee, I’m not sure how much it is around £50 I think but that is a one off payment (Not completely sure on this because it was in 2015 when we paid it) But you can ask the receptionist, she’ll know, or someone else on the forum might know
Good luck, you won’t be disappointed, hope you can get your piggie there soon x