How long should you persevere with a new veggie?


New Born Pup
Oct 18, 2021
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My 2 are adopted and have had fresh food but not a great variety, so I’m trying to introduce some balance. How long would you give them to get used to something new before you accept that they just don’t like it? And is there such a thing as ‘catnip’ for pigs? Mine are very nervous and I’d like to start to tempt them from the back of their hides with something irresistible.
I'm still try now to get my two youngest rabbits to eat more variety in their veg….it’s been 18 months!

How long have you had them? It can take weeks to months for them to be comfortable (18 months for one of my boys). My boys will do anything for herbs!

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They’ve been with me for about a month, and I know I need to be patient. They don’t run straight into their hide when they see me now, which is heartening.
That’s good, they are starting to become more confident and secure! As I say, it took 18 months for one of my boys to stop being terrified of me and brave enough to take food from my hand for the first time. It felt like id never get there with him (the other was confident and taking food from me after six weeks) but patience paid off in the end! Was so rewarding when it eventually happened!
Guinea pigs can't vomit, so if they eat something bad they're stuffed. A way they've got around this is to be wary about new foods and testing small bits at a time.

My first 2 pigs had only been fed apples fruit/veg wise so had to start from the beginning introducing small pieces at a time. I only offered 1 new item at a time so I started with coriander (herbs are quite mild and don't affect the tum as much) then pepper. It took 3 months to get them eating some variety. I found it helps if you bite a bit off in front of your guinea pig and chew it, it encouraged mine to have a nibble.

It took about 5-6 months to have them where they are now. Once they start accepting each new thing becomes more quickly accepted.

A year on they will eat anything I give them (except courgette. They take a few bites and leave the rest which I don't mind as no one in the house eats courgette).

It takes time and patience I'm afraid. No fast results.

What veggies will they accept? What have you tried?
Sometimes mine have hated a new veg until they discover another pig loves it.
Merab hated coriander and Jemimah did too.
Then she went to stay with Aunty @PigglePuggle when we moved house. The piggies were given coriander, Phoebe & Priscilla liked it so Jemimah did too.
Sometimes it can take months for them to try something new! Thankfully all mine are past that and just dive in like they are starved when it's veggie time!
Guinea pigs can't vomit, so if they eat something bad they're stuffed. A way they've got around this is to be wary about new foods and testing small bits at a time.

My first 2 pigs had only been fed apples fruit/veg wise so had to start from the beginning introducing small pieces at a time. I only offered 1 new item at a time so I started with coriander (herbs are quite mild and don't affect the tum as much) then pepper. It took 3 months to get them eating some variety. I found it helps if you bite a bit off in front of your guinea pig and chew it, it encouraged mine to have a nibble.

It took about 5-6 months to have them where they are now. Once they start accepting each new thing becomes more quickly accepted.

A year on they will eat anything I give them (except courgette. They take a few bites and leave the rest which I don't mind as no one in the house eats courgette).

It takes time and patience I'm afraid. No fast results.

What veggies will they accept? What have you tried?
They have only had carrot, apple and kale with the previous owner. I am trying them with coriander 👍romaine lettuce 👍cucumber 👍dandelion leaves 👍👍. They have refused courgette but I have read it’s good for them on the vit C scale so wondering whether to persevere. I have bought some parsley today too.
Sometimes it can take months for them to try something new! Thankfully all mine are past that and just dive in like they are starved when it's veggie time!
I have introduced a regular fresh food feeding time and they are starting to peek out of the hide as opposed to hiding from me.
They have only had carrot, apple and kale with the previous owner. I am trying them with coriander 👍romaine lettuce 👍cucumber 👍dandelion leaves 👍👍. They have refused courgette but I have read it’s good for them on the vit C scale so wondering whether to persevere. I have bought some parsley today too.

Courgette is actually on our low vit c list. While they do all contain some levels of vit c there are plenty of other veggies which contain more if they don’t ever like courgette. My two certainly do not like courgette at all.

Herbs are certainly a favourite with my boys, good on vit c too. Just ensure parsley is kept limited due to its high calcium content

Edible And Forbidden Veg And Fruit List With Vitamin C Grading
Sometimes mine have hated a new veg until they discover another pig loves it.
Merab hated coriander and Jemimah did too.
Then she went to stay with Aunty @PigglePuggle when we moved house. The piggies were given coriander, Phoebe & Priscilla liked it so Jemimah did too.
That’s amazing, I wonder if that’s linked to a survival instinct… if you eat it first and don’t die then I’ll give it a go.
Courgette is actually on our low vit c list. While they do all contain some levels of vit c there are plenty of other veggies which contain more if they don’t ever like courgette. My two certainly do not like courgette at all.

Herbs are certainly a favourite with my boys, good on vit c too. Just ensure parsley is kept limited due to its high calcium content

Edible And Forbidden Veg And Fruit List With Vitamin C Grading
I’ll bear that in mind about the calcium. My husband can’t believe that they like coriander, he thinks they have very exotic tastes.
My old piggies Bill and Ted would run a mile at the sight of coriander, but my current piggies all love it especially Hector, Ginger and Kiki. Posh eats it because she can’t bear to see Ginger getting more than her fair share 😆