How Long Should U Cuddle It Guinea Pig

I'd say as long as your piggie seems to enjoy it.

Some piggies are happy to be out for cuddles for hours. Others get fidgety after a few minutes.
Might depend on what mood the piggy is in at the time. Sometimes they can be fickle little things xx
I will usually cuddle the piggies until they start to fidget as that's usually a indication they have had enough or they need to do a wee. Only one of my guinea pigs likes lap time and the other will tolerate for about ten minutes until she lets me know she is not enjoying it anymore and wants to be put back in the cage. The piggy that likes lap time will usually nip my arm lightly to let me know she would like to to be put back but other times she will just start to fidget.
Depends on the pig, some pigs like cuddles others do not. Neither of our current piggies are lap pigs. Widget is one of the tamest piggies i have ever had however she dislikes laptime and will walk off :)) She enjoys fuss in the cage and will come over to me, but laptimes is not her thing.....

With new piggies we always start off after a few days by trying to hand feed a few veggy treats in the cage by offering some nice veggies to the new piggy when they are in their hidey, hopefully they will take it off you as you hold it in for them... after a while try offering it a little further from the hidey so they edge out and take it from you.
Food is the best way to bribe, use food when you get round to lap times also. Start lap time for a short amount of time at first and build up. We started off we laptimes for 1 minute with new piggies then pop them back, slowly increasing the time. They will soon associate you with food and good things but at first it takes a while to gain their trust.
I'm jealous of those that can have lap time for an hour or so. Both my girls only last about 15 mins before they let me know they want a wee. They amaze me how they hold it in, the minute I put them back in the cage they let the pee go lol. I quickly learned to put them straight in their litter tray.
I'm jealous of those that can have lap time for an hour or so. Both my girls only last about 15 mins before they let me know they want a wee. They amaze me how they hold it in, the minute I put them back in the cage they let the pee go lol. I quickly learned to put them straight in their litter tray.
Only ever had one piggy that would settle that long - Putt. The rest have never really been fans. Chickpea stays a while but then gets spooked...

The warm feeling that spreads if you don't put them back soon enough eh!
I would say as long as they are comfortable with it and you want to hold them. Guinea pigs will get fidgity, which generally identifies that they are done. Some guinea pigs are ready to move on fairly quickly, others would never leave if you didn't make them (I've been lucky enough to have a few lap pigs... right now both of my pigs will basically flop on your lap and stay there until the get restless because they have to pee.)
All three of mine dislike being held so I just hold them long enough to check them over and cut their hair (they are all long haired).
I normally keep my "cuddling" to 5 to 10 mins, usually because it's after that time wees and poops start to happen. But I'll have my piggies out for floor time for up to 30mins as long as their happy and not wanting to go back into their cage.