How Long Should Pig Grieve Before Attempting New Introduction?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
Halifax, West Yorkshire
One of my pigs died on Sunday, he was sharing a pigloo when it happened so I'm sure his cage mate knows he is dead. I have another boar who lost his friend a few weeks ago so he's ready to be introduced any time, but should I leave the newly bereaved boar for a while before attempting to bond them so that he really understands his old friend won't be coming back or is that unnecessary?

I don't want them to be lonely longer than necessary but I also don't want to introduce too soon if it reduces the chances of success.
I am very sorry for your losses! :( You are, as always, welcome to post a tribute.

Give it a try through bars first and see whether your freshly bereaved boar is perking up and showing interest; then you know that the time is right. Try them on your lap together next to see how they get on (oven gloves at the ready!). If signals are good, you can proceed with the introduction; otherwise you know that an intro is not likely to work out.

Like humans, guinea pigs can react very differently to the loss of a mate; it can range from acute pining/giving up to carrying on with their life as if nothing has happened. the vast majority of piggies are somewhere in between these two extremes.
So sorry to hear of your loss.

Piggies are like us, it is different for each of them. Some will pine greatly and stop eating or interacting but some will just carry on regardless. If they are really grieving badly then introductions to a new friend soon is better as they can struggle on their own. Wiebke has poste an excellent thread on bonding advice so hopefully things can work out well for both your singletons.

Just take your time with introductions and remember that personalities sometimes just don't match so don't feel bad if they don't hit it off straight away. It's often harder for us to get a new piggy than for the one left behind. It's not so much replacing the piggy who has passed away as giving another piggy a new happy life.
I introduced them on neutral turf (the floor) and after the expected humping, squealing etc (this went on for maybe an hour) they have settled down and are quieter. They are underneath a large cardboard box together and occasionally come out to explore, rumble and squeal at each other but nothing more than I have heard from bonded pairs. Does this mean the bond was a success? Is it too soon to tell? I have cleaned a cage ready for them if it works out.
Sounds like a promising start! It is wise to make sure they have as much space as possible, two bowls and bottles etc so there's no competition for them and don't use any houses, hideys etc that have only one entrance so no-one get cornered. It will take time and there's a lot of just having to watch and wait and see.

How old are they? Older pigs tend to be more laid back and less likely to fall out later when their hormones kick in but sometime they can also be a bit stuck in their ways and object to a newcomer :) Keep going though, you are doing the right things.
It is a bit early to tell, but signs are very encouraging! Often the trickiest point is when they wake up after their first nap together and realise that there is a stranger. Adult boars mellow with time, so it is often easier to bond older boars than young ones.
Bernard is 3 and Edgar is around 2, I think.

They are lying next to each other under the box and have been mostly quiet for a while now so fingers crossed that things will stay that way. I have opened the door to the clean cage so they can wander in when they are ready (I don't want to disturb since they're settled). I have put two stick tunnels instead of pigloos or houses so they can't trap each other.
Sounds god, just keep a close eye on them and see what happens! Sorry I can't be more helpful than that!
A success, I'd say. ;)

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