How Long Do I Have To Wait Until I Start Bonding With My New Baby Guiena Pig

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Give your piggie a few days to settle in, then try to talk to him/her softly, and first attempt to hand feed, this should build up trust. Then attempt to stroke him/her and then pick them up. I pick my girls up each day, for cuddles.
Healthy treats is what I found to work the best lol. You can even hand feed pieces of hay. Mine love peppers and cilantro. I give them each a couple slices of bell pepper which is also high in vitamin C which they need anyway so it's a win win :D or I'll go out and pick some grass and wash it off and a couple times a week I will get them each a small dandelion leaf or clover. The only thing mine don't really like is carrots.

We'll today I put my hand into peanuts hutch he sniffed my fingers and ran lol so i had to clean his hutch around him now he's busy eating his Burgess excel cube he loves the blackcurrant and oregano ones also with this weather he prefers to eat in the evening :yahoo:
I'd just keep persevering like you are doing with the treats and veggies nice and slowly. It will all be worth it in the end :)
I finally managed to pick peanut up for cuddles he seemed frightened at first he jumped out of the hutch but he relaxed with cuddles hopefully with more cuddles will get used to it
Sounds good but remember don't rush him. Its better to get it right now than to push him too fast and end up having to go back to square one :)
Sounding good! It took weeks for my boys to become fairly tame. It sounds like a long time, but each day you'll notice their confidence grow! 4 years down the line now and one of mine practically leans out of the hutch to greet me! All very very worth it in the end!

I found having a certain routine with them helped. Then they knew when to expect the handling. That way there was less running around and confused little faces!
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