How Long Did It Take Before Your Guinea Pigs Relaxed?


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 17, 2017
Reaction score
Bristol, England
Hey all :)

I've had my 4 girls a month now and already they've come on so well, when I first got them they came from a breeder and were in smaller hutches, they now have an open 6x2 c and c cage all to themselves.

They hid for the first few days but now a month in they come out if I'm sat down by them and are a lot more confident. However they are still incredibly skitty, they'll bolt if I walk in or anything frightens them, which I know is totally natural and will happen for some time.

I've only had two adult boars in the past who were tame not so skitty, it's a new experience having baby piggies for me ! I don't want to do anything wrong or scare them further, it's hard to be very slow and quiet round them but I am trying!

My question is, was there a point when your piggies really settled and didn't try and move like roadrunner every time you went past their cage? I haven't handled them a massive amount as I want to give them my undivided attention which is split between many things currently.

Thanks in advance guys x
I have had my two for over a year and they will still run at times when I walk past especially if I have not announced myself in some way, I usually talk to them before I approach their cage in any way even if it's just to walk past to let them know it's just me but occasionally I forget and startle them. It took several months for one them (the braver one) to warm up to me to the point they would come up to the bars to greet me and only recently for my shy piggy. We moved house recently and moved their cage onto a table and they seem a lot more sociable with everyone now we don't tower over them anymore. Patience is the key, they are still getting to know you and not all piggies have the same personalities.
Hey all :)

I've had my 4 girls a month now and already they've come on so well, when I first got them they came from a breeder and were in smaller hutches, they now have an open 6x2 c and c cage all to themselves.

They hid for the first few days but now a month in they come out if I'm sat down by them and are a lot more confident. However they are still incredibly skitty, they'll bolt if I walk in or anything frightens them, which I know is totally natural and will happen for some time.

I've only had two adult boars in the past who were tame not so skitty, it's a new experience having baby piggies for me ! I don't want to do anything wrong or scare them further, it's hard to be very slow and quiet round them but I am trying!

My question is, was there a point when your piggies really settled and didn't try and move like roadrunner every time you went past their cage? I haven't handled them a massive amount as I want to give them my undivided attention which is split between many things currently.

Thanks in advance guys x

Hi! Have a look at the section that deals with settling and making friends with your guinea pigs, including a some guinea pig whispering tips; you may find it helpful and interesting.
New Owners' Problem Solver And Information Collection

Bringing round skittish piggies can take time, patience and persistence. Guinea pigs from for sale breeders or shops have not had anything in way of human iinteraction, so they are running fully on their prey instincts. The more stressed their mum has been, the more skittish the babies and the longer it takes them to relax.
Hi both, thanks for the reply!

I have had my two for over a year and they will still run at times when I walk past especially if I have not announced myself in some way, I usually talk to them before I approach their cage in any way even if it's just to walk past to let them know it's just me but occasionally I forget and startle them. It took several months for one them (the braver one) to warm up to me to the point they would come up to the bars to greet me and only recently for my shy piggy. We moved house recently and moved their cage onto a table and they seem a lot more sociable with everyone now we don't tower over them anymore. Patience is the key, they are still getting to know you and not all piggies have the same personalities.

Definitely understanding patience is something I need oodles of! I managed to stroke Peaches head this morning in the cage and she didn't dash off so to me that is massive haha. I have started to notice their personalities coming out, I have 2 slightly braver piggies and 2 shy. One of them prefers her own space to sleep while the others will co sleep together :) I have them on a c&c cage stand so they aren't completely on the floor but definitely not my height, they don't scatter when my 2 year old walks past unless she runs so I see what you mean about the height! Trying to work out their favourite treats so I can bribe them haha

Hi! Have a look at the section that deals with settling and making friends with your guinea pigs, including a some guinea pig whispering tips; you may find it helpful and interesting.
New Owners' Problem Solver And Information Collection

Bringing round skittish piggies can take time, patience and persistence. Guinea pigs from for sale breeders or shops have not had anything in way of human iinteraction, so they are running fully on their prey instincts. The more stressed their mum has been, the more skittish the babies and the longer it takes them to relax.

Thanks for the links! I had a good read through last night and picked up a few tips :) I'm not sure what their mums were like as I didn't see much of them, plus the Dalmatian was an orphan :( have definitely seen an improvement in the last month but guessing it'll take a few more months until they really settle and realise I'm not going to hurt them! Totally worth the wait!
It took 6 months before my Ginny let me stroke her in the cage. Luna finally let me stroke her after a year, then only if she is eating and I don't supprise her! I found just sitting by the cage chatting to them helped.
These days I can walk past the cage and they don't even wake up.....until I open the fridge of course lol.
2 of my pigs took 6 months to let me stroke them in the cage and pick them up, but I’ve had spike for over 2 years, and last week he let me stroke his head whilst in his cage for the first time ever :love: so exciting!
Ahh amazing that makes me feel much better than I'm not being a bad piggy mum! I worry that I'm not doing enough or doing too much! Haha
Hi both, thanks for the reply!

Definitely understanding patience is something I need oodles of! I managed to stroke Peaches head this morning in the cage and she didn't dash off so to me that is massive haha. I have started to notice their personalities coming out, I have 2 slightly braver piggies and 2 shy. One of them prefers her own space to sleep while the others will co sleep together :) I have them on a c&c cage stand so they aren't completely on the floor but definitely not my height, they don't scatter when my 2 year old walks past unless she runs so I see what you mean about the height! Trying to work out their favourite treats so I can bribe them haha
Even after a year I am still not allowed to stroke my piggies in the cage, one of them will let me sometimes because she's mummy's little piggy and a sook but the other is like "nope, not gunna happen lady". They both love cuddles at lap time though especially the mummy's girl who absolutely hated lap time when she was younger but then she started having these strong seasons and cuddles became the best thing in the world.
I am still waiting for our 11 month old to be relaxed around me. We have had her 9 months, easily the most skittish pig I have ever had... i know it will take time but I'll get there eventually :) I still cant touch her in the cage

You are doing everything fine, just keep plugging away :)