How Long Can I Keep Boars Apart Before Trying A Re-introductions?

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New Born Pup
Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score
Nova Scotia, Canada
I have 3 male Guinea pigs that are 10 months old(Gizmo, Rodger and Desmond). Desmond and Gizmo were never very close. Gizmo was the dominant pig from the beginning. Rodger is very submissive to both. There has always been rumblestrutting and dominance behaviour between Gizmo and Desmond but I let it go because that never got out of hand. Last week it got out of hand and escalated to a full on physical fight. Desmond, who had always stayed out of Gizmo's way, suddenly started standing up to him. Desmond started becoming the aggressive one. I separated them and discovered and wound on Desmond's back so I thought it best to separate them for a bit. I separated the cage into 2 and left them on their own sides(the cage is a c&c cage that measures 7x 3 grates with a 2x2 L-shaped section on the side). I left Rodger with Gizmo because Desmond would constantly harass Rodger to the point he started hiding in his house. They all seemed happy for a day or two, but then Desmond started biting the cage and pulling on the divider. I put up coroplast so they couldn't see each other and that helped for a couple of days. Desmond started chewing on the coroplast and trying to dig under the divider. A coupe, of days ago, I tried a bonding bath, put them into floor time and completely scrubbed down everything for their cage including the grates, houses, hay mangers and water bottles. Floor time was peaceful for about 30 mins then the chattering started. I left them be, but then a few mins later a full out fight again. Desmond ended up with another scratch on his back. They are in their separate sections again :( Desmond wants to be with Rodger but when I do let just the 2 get together, Desmond is all over Rodger and it causes Gizmo and Rodger to get cranky to each other when Rodger comes back to his side. I'm assuming this is because Gizmo smells Desmond on Rodger.

Sorry that was really long, but here are my questions:
- It is likely once they get to be about 14 months old, it might be possible for en to get back together again? Or will they have been apart too long?
- I can't get another pig for Desmond but I hate seeing him so aggressively trying to get through the divider. Is there anything I can do to help him calm down? We play with him and he's fine but once he's back in the cage he goes back to trying to get to the other side.

My youngest son is so attached to Desmond I can't stomach the thought of telling him he has to go, but I'm not sure if I try and find a home for Gizmo, that Desmond and Rodger will actually get along. Gizmo and Rodger do really well together. Any advice would be very appreciated.
Once blood has drawn in a fight, then I'm afraid not.
Can you not make a separate cage completely for Desmond to put at the side instead of just dividing it?
Hi and welcome!

Please be aware that 90% of baby boar trios do not make it to adulthood together; keeping the balance between three developing and hormonal personalities is just too tricky in most cases.

Do not try re-introductions after a serious fight with full on bites to the rump or face. Please let Desmond live alongside his companions, so he has got interaction, but has got his own territory.

Please make sure that you disinfect the bite wound with saline solution or hibiscrub. See a vet if necessary and keep an eye on it in the next few week in case it develops an abscess.

You can find lots of detailed advice in this link here: Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Once blood has drawn in a fight, then I'm afraid not.
Can you not make a separate cage completely for Desmond to put at the side instead of just dividing it?

I really like that suggestion and wish I could but I don't have the room to put in another cage. I tried to rearrange things so that the cage was sort of separated - I took the grates apart and moved them back a bit(the cage sits on a raised wooden table so I'm limited for space).I thought maybe they could live close but separate but the way Desmond bites and pulls at the cage make me sad for him. Sometimes he seems content on his own, but then when he hears noise from Rodger on the other side, he goes crazy. I've tried giving him a plush toy to play with, extra chew sticks and a new tunnel but he still bites his cage :(
Hi and welcome!

Please be aware that 90% of baby boar trios do not make it to adulthood together; keeping the balance between three developing and hormonal personalities is just too tricky in most cases.

Do not try re-introductions after a serious fight with full on bites to the rump or face. Please let Desmond live alongside his companions, so he has got interaction, but has got his own territory.

Please make sure that you disinfect the bite wound with saline solution or hibiscrub. See a vet if necessary and keep an eye on it in the next few week in case it develops an abscess.

You can find lots of detailed advice in this link here: Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

Thanks Wiebke! I knew living peacefully in a group of 3 was not likely but I had hoped it would work. It wasn't my intention to have 3 but that decision was taken out of my hands(another way too long story). I would be ok with them living side by side and I think Gizmo and Rodger would be ok with that but I just wish Desmond wouldn't bite and pull on the cage grates so much trying to get to the other side. I'm afraid he's going to hurt his teeth. His cut is fine. I've been checking on it and it's healed nicely(looked like more of a deep scratch than a bite). Do you think Desmond will calm down once his hormones calm down? Not sure if his aggressiveness is coming from Puberty hormones or just the change in his location.
Maybe you can change out the grids he's biting for the frosted type instead?
Like these:
Thanks Crystella! They are very nice grids! I'll have to search to see if they sell them in Canada.

Do you think I'm doing more harm than good by letting Rodger and Desmond play together sometimes? I don't want to upset the balance between Rodger and Gizmo or make the separation harder for Desmond, but I feel bad that Desmond is alone(even though he's physically next to them in his cage).
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