How long between bonding attempts?


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 17, 2017
Reaction score
Isle of Wight, UK
Hello again!

I posted a short while ago about bonding our disabled piggy Daisy. We had been in touch with our local rescues and a lovely, gentle boar came up who they thought might be perfect for Daisy. He's almost 3 years old, neutered and called Hoggie. He's a big, beautiful and gentle boar for sure!

After 5 days living side by side, we have just attempted to bond. Daisy was actually fine, very interested in Hoggie. Hoggie however was VERY unhappy. He immediately started chattering his teeth and every time Daisy went near him he went for her...not with any actual biting or rearing. We kept a careful watch and it got to a point where Daisy went from fine to very distressed so we ended the bonding. I don't know if her head tilt made him uneasy but Hoggie was not happy!

So now we have Hoggie. He can go back to the rescue if the bonding fails, which of course we will reluctantly do if its best for him (we've rather fallen for him) but we do have a pair of 2 year old girls who we have the option of trying to bond Hoggie with.

If we try this solution, how soon can we try to bond Hoggie with them, after his failed attempt with poor Daisy? Its our only option before having to take him back to the rescue ☹️
I’ve no experience but would maybe give him some time to settle then try him with the pair. Maybe a day or two?
I’m sorry that the bonding failed with Daisy. I’ve just had a failed bond myself where my girls took dislike to the boar in question and have decided they want to remain as a trio 😞 I’d leave Hoggie for a day or two to calm down before trying with him with your two girls. I am keeping everything crossed so you don’t have to return him