How Long Before I Can Handle My New Piggie?

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New Born Pup
May 18, 2014
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I know this question has probably been asked so many times, but everyone always gives different answers and I'm not sure when to handle my new piggie Spike.

I've had guinea pigs before, but my guinea pig died recently and the last time we bought one was 7 years ago, so I can't remember how long I have to wait to hold him.

My piggie Spike was a rescue piggie from pets at home. He was sent to pets at home because he had 1 extra toe on the back of each of his back feet. He's been operated on now and no longer has them.
We bought him today and obviously he's nervous, I've been regularly checking on him and he mainly stays in his bed. However, if he's out and I walk past he'll quickly run back into his bed.

I know this is normal piggie behaviour because he's nervous and needs to get use to his home. How long should it be before I can stroke and hold him.
Also, yes he is by himself as when we bought him from pets at home they recommended him to be alone as they tried mixing him with another piggie there and it didn't work.
So can you please give me information on what I can do:)?
you can start taming him already. just talk to him gently and petsathome are talking crap. Chances are if you find a good rescue that does boar dating they can find him a friend or you could neuter him and put him in with a sow after six weeks
Hi Welcome to the forum.

I would wait around 4 days before handling him, i know it's tempting but he needs time to settle, but there is lots you can do in the meantime to help him get used to you and settle in. The running away is totally normal, with our first piggies we set up a video camera to see if they ever came out lol He will soon settle, he is trying to get used to his new cage, the smells and sounds of your house.

I would recommend talking softly to him and if a day or two try some hand feeling while he is in his house offer a sprig of coriander or parsley at his door and see if he will take it out you, slowly but surely you'll gain his trust.

Here is a link to settling piggies

and here is a link to a video showing you a stress free way of picking them up

I would recomend thinking about getting him a friend as you never know with pet shops how they have tried to bond. A great way of getting a piggie a friend is going to a rescue that offers boar dating, you can take your piggie along and they will try him with a pig to see if they get on. Not all rescues do this but some do, we have a recomended rescue locator here phone your local rescue and see if they offer the service then if they do, that's an option for you. But it may be that he doesn't get on with others. @Wiebke is very knowledgeable on bonding she has lots of piggies and is one of the most experienced people on the forum, we have learnt so much off her over the years about bonds

Could you add your location to your profile, it helps us tailor any advice to your area.

Welcome once again, hope to hear lots more about Spike and I am sure you will gain his trust in no time.
I definitely agree with madguinealady & sport_billy about getting him a friend. Either boar dating first & if that doesn't work then getting him neutered at a good vets. See the vet locator at top of page.

When getting to know him try to be on the same level as him with your eyes same level as his. It's surprising how they walk over to you.
When getting to know him try to be on the same level as him with your eyes same level as his. It's surprising how they walk over to you.

Never heard of this Stewy, interesting. Bit guinea pig whispery eh?
Never heard of this Stewy, interesting. Bit guinea pig whispery eh?

I've found this with my newest piggies. I made the mistake of building my c&c unit high high but can just about see into to it if I stretch. Rhubarb who is the only one who won't let me stroke her yet will come right up to my face when we're eye to eye. I've also tried in kneeling on the floor with the bottom gang & they are more likely to come and see what's up when I'm on their level.
Wow, I must try this. Get inside the mind of a piggy. Where did I put my 6ft Guinea Pig suit....
Thankyou everyone who replied, I will definitely look into getting him a friend. Although I've had guinea pigs before, I've never been one of those who tries loads of new things with them. It was basically just looking after my piggies getting them out etc and a lot of your replies have helped me think of new things to do.
Macclesfield, The Potteries Rescue in Stoke I think may be close by to you?
Yes Stoke is nearby, THANKYOU for the help :D

Also, can you give me ideas on what to do first,

Like, making eye contact, hand feeding, as I'm not sure.
It helps a lot if you are eye level with a piggy (I have described it as not looming over a shy piggy). You can also use some piggy body language to make friends with him. Look at him sideways (straight implies a hunters look) and then imitate piggy washing; this is how piggies initial friendly social interaction. Keeping up a gentle stream of talk as soon as you enter the room will also reassure him that you are not out to get him. I would wait until he is picking up food from your hand for handling him, but at least until he is comfy and confident in his new home.

I agree with the other posters that it would be great if you could date him under expert supervision at a rescue; character compatibility is the key to a successful boar bond, but the necessary time and experience for several tries if necessary is not something that shops can provide!

Extra toes are happen occasionally. Poor boy for being dumped by his owners after they obviously got him for a harmless mutation!

With members from all around the world, it is very helpful if you added your country or general area to your details; that way, the appropriate advice and (local) recommendations can always be given straight away. Just click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details, then location. In the same section, you can also upload your avatar. That is the picture that always appears with your name in every post.
Just on the avatar front @Wiebke we have having a few technical issues with photos these will be resolved over the next few days, waiting on hosting company.

Great advice Wiebke, I am just off to eyeball Widget :)
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