How Long Before Baby Piggies Are Easier To Catch!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hampshire, UK
Our baby boars, Adric and Fitz, are nearly 3 months old now. They are happy and healthy and friendly. They eat from my hand and can sometimes be stroked. Once picked up, they are snuggly and chatty and very content to sit on a lap. What they do not like though is actually being caught.

We tried the 'pick them up in a tunnel' trick but they soon learnt not to hang around in tunnels! They just run away when you try and catch them. They are getting smart too and know where they are most easily caught!

Is it beacauae they are young that they run away? If so, at what age do they settle down and become easier to catch? I ask because I want to make their cage bigger and a bigger cage will make it even harder to catch them.
mine are about that age too... same as you, love to sit and snuggle but hate being caught ! I have to let my OH do it cos they are too fast for me.. i think its just a case of blocking their exit path lol !
Only one of my four girls will willingly let me pick them up. I think it sets off their prey instincts too much (if that makes sense?) I've taken to herding them into a fleece cosy which is much less stressful to lift them. :)
HaHa ! most of my piggies are between 4 & 6 years old - and only 1 will stop still and let me pick them up - the rest run for the hills - but are fine and loving once you have caught them - your piggies may never stop still for you to pick them up - they hate not having all 4 feet firmly on the floor - this is why when putting piggies back into the cage many will try and wriggle and leap out of your arms to get all their feet back on solid ground- there are a few of us on here who over the years have had a piggy sprain a foot by leaping from arms when being put back in to the cage - you would be surprised how strong they can be when their little legs start flailing and air paddling madly.
If you have a C&C pen, or cage with big enough door, my trick is to remove the main hidey houses, tunnels etc., then place a small pet carrier, with the front open,( with couple of bits of favourite veggies inside) in one corner of the pen/cage; sit back quietly as 9 times out of 10 they will sniff the veg, plus want to hide, and will trot into the carrier. Quickly close the front securely, praise them, and lift out the carrier. Da Daaa! Caught piggies with no stress involved. A sturdy cardboard box works just as well. Once they get the hang of it, being intelligent little things, you can teach them a verbal command such as " in you go boys!". It's worth a try. The veggie treat will act as their reward too.
Only one of my four lets me pick her up willingly. All the others have to be caught. As above I use cosies and pet carriers to make it less stressful for them and me. It's just their natural instincts. But it's great that they enjoy a snuggle with you.
Oh, it seems I was mistaken in thinking they will calm down and become easier to catch... That's a shame!

I have birds that have learnt to put themselves back in their cage when I put a small piece of millet in there. So, I suppose, as suggested, that bribery and habit are the way to go. My pet carrier opens from the top which is not a lot of use! I am sure we have a small box though. It's having a handy supply of treats. My children are picking them up lots of times a day (school holidays ) at the moment. We will give it a try and see if they learn.

Thank you for the advice.
My younger pigs tend to be less happy about being handled than my older pigs, so it can take a while :)
I remember my girls took two or three weeks to properly catch. The tunnel trick works for me, you just have to be quick blocking off the exits before they have chance to do a runner!
Cosmos will sit and wait for you to pick her up half the time and the other half runs as soon as you approach. I am sure VickiA will confirm what ours are like.
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