How has your piggy been naughty to today?

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Tommies Mam

Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
Tyne and Wear
Has your piggy done anything naughty today and if so what?

This morning I got up and discovered that either Harry or Sparky (I suspect Sparky) has ripped quite a large lump of wallpaper off the wall and I don't have the heart to be cross with him all I could do was laugh.
When I came to feed mine in the evening, they had pulled their hay rack down and tipped over their food bowl when it had just been topped up.
my bambi who got his home cleaned before i went to work decided to puu up the news paper on the floor & moved all his food does it every time he's cleaned out he's only mad cas i got rid of all the wee wee hay
When I topped my girlies food bowl up last night, Eleanor decided to tip most of the food out of it. And then when I got home from work this afternoon, I was giving them fresh bedding and they both decided to jump out of the hutch and run around the yard sending me on a wild goose chase!
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