How Good Are Pigs Eye Sight And Sence Of Smell

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 10, 2009
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Just give my pigs there 12oclock treats , peppers, but l only had enough red for a few of them, so l prepared red and green.
They were ok with the green , but for one stroppy old boar.
He took the slices of green pepper and dropped them on the floor,
and kepped on doing it, untill l gave in to him and gave him the slice of red !
ok he is fussy, but how did he know l had red ? did he smell the diffeance , or could he see the differant colors, ? The tray that were in a tray and it was a good 2 feet away ,
Guinea pigs do not really rely on their sight and it is pretty poor. However, it is of use to them but their sense of smell and hearing are much better. I do believe guinea pigs can see colour and they also have vision at all angles as prey animals. They also have bad depth perception is why you do not leave your pig alone on a high piece of furniture. That's all I know about guinea pig sight. They need good smell to scope out food so that is a developed feature for them.

In this situation the boar could differentiate the colours and since green and red peppers had different tastes so he most likely had the green pepper in his mouth to taste it and when he realized it wasn't what he liked he discarded it.
I would think it is more down to smell than sight, although I did read the guinea pigs have color vision. Their sense of smell is better than ours (and I could probably smell the difference between a green and red pepper at close range, so I'm sure pigs can do it from much further away!) Some of my pigs are very picky... like yours, Hadley will take and then drop any treat that isn't up to her standards until she is given something better!
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