How does it look? (so far.....)

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I have made the model for my new C&C cage! How does it look for 2 piggies? :-\ It will be placed in my room once it is complete, my mom wouldnt stand for guinea pigs in her living room! ;D

The C&C model:

The cage they are currently housed in now is the cage they came with. It was the biggest one the previous owner could find, so she got it for them not knowing about C&C's. The picture is from when I just got them and they have acquired more stuff since then. I have had them for a couple months now, and have just managed to convince my parents that it is much too small for 2 guinea pigs! We will be starting the "construction" tomorrow and want your approval first :)

Their cage for the time being:
thats a good size, would be better if it was 4 x 2 but if thats all you can fit then thats cool, nice layout as they have the second level so that gives more room anyway
I like that cage. Its plenty big enough and i like the upstairs bit O0

Good work O0 O0 O0
spudnik said:
thats a good size, would be better if it was 4 x 2 but if thats all you can fit then thats cool, nice layout as they have the second level so that gives more room anyway

Yes, I would make it bigger but I am just going to be able to put that in my room.

Thanks :D
I think its ok actually, just the right size keeping in mind she has to put it in her room
yeah ive got my boys in a nero 3 deluxe, and its bigger than long as they get to play out of their cage its fine :) but that is big enough anyway like i said O0
daftscotslass said:
2x3 is the recommended minimum for 2 piggies so it's fine. Will be like a mansion compared to their previous home!
Yes it will be! I couldnt resist putting them in the model and they seemed to be quite happy, though confused b/c it was on their floor time space ;D I cant wait to start putting it together and see their faces when the enter their new home.

Thanks for your replies everyone, they are much appreciated. :D
Just a wee suggestion but if the opening of the top level is going to stay there then it might be an idea to put another grid to the right hand side of where a ramp would be to stop the wee blighters trying to jump out! I have one that I definitely couldn't trust with that design as she's already been caught using the fiddlesticks as a step ladder to the living room!
That looks great but as daftscotslass said, putting another grid at the top where the top of the ramp will be is a must as they could easily hop out. Look forwrd to seeing the finished cage complete with piggies in :D
looks great, i'd aggree with what daftscottslass said, but apart from that great!! O0 O0 O0 O0 O0
Boureki said:
Thats a great looking house for them! Where did you manage to find the grids (are you in the UK?)
i was thinking that too ? are you in the uk and if you are where did you get your grids from - It looks fab ! by the way, lol oh and like perfect piggies said you should get another grid to stop them from jumping out. :smitten: :smitten:
Why dont you incorporate the cage with the c&c grids as like an extra room they could use the front door (if it has one) as a ramp covered with vet bed or an old piece of carpet attach it with cable ties
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