How Do You Trim Longhaired Piggies...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 5, 2016
Reaction score
North East England
...and not end up covered in hair yourself?

Perran is white and whenever I trim her I always end up resembling some sort of yeti :P
I use a sharp pair of scissors got off my dad , he worked in the hosiery trade, l just take extra precautions around the ears , and eyes
@Kerrie74 that's super sneaky! Where to source a sacrificial human...

I use a sharp pair of scissors got off my dad , he worked in the hosiery trade, l just take extra precautions around the ears , and eyes
I don't understand? How does using sharp scissors prevent you from ending up covered in hair?
When I had a long hair piggie I used to cut his hair after a bath, the wet hair clumps together and doesn't attach quite so readily to your clothes. I also wore an old fashioned nylon overall, hair doesn't stick to that. Doubt you can still get nylon overalls but the heavy cotton type like they wear in care homes would have a very close weave which would shrug off hair. This photo must have been taken in the winter, I'm drying Artieguinea pig salon.webp without a trim!
@Kerrie74 that's super sneaky! Where to source a sacrificial human...

I don't understand? How does using sharp scissors prevent you from ending up covered in hair?

Hi, l am so sorry it dosent ,:soz: l had a problem a wile ago that make it difficult for me see things in there proper context :eek:
No need to apologise @gizzy :) I have the same problem sometimes due to health problems.

Wow gorgeous long hair beauts.

@acapae lol, he's actually very good with the animals, he takes them to the vets, gives them their meds if they need them, he can also syringe feed them if needed, bathes them, cleans their cages, you name it, he does it, he's also my carer, bless him :) He's a lot calmer than I am when it comes to them being ill or having a problem that needs to be sorted out.
I am really looking forward to grooming and trimming my new guinea pig sows. They are aby x something long and silky (perhaps sheltie crosses) and have ankle length hair.

I think that wearing an overall of some kind is a good idea. Will also put down some kind of sheet on my lap to catch some of the hairs or even trim them standing in a huge plastic box (on a towel or similar to stop slipping). All great theories. We will see when the time comes ...
And now I will bash my head on a wall because it did not occur to me to use a towel or similar on my lap. Thank you @Tiamolly123, @Florapig and @RavenRed for saying this now very obvious sounding thing! Overalls also sounds like a great idea if you have them, but I think buying a pair just so I can trim one guinea pig probably isn't worth it.

When I had a long hair piggie I used to cut his hair after a bath, the wet hair clumps together and doesn't attach quite so readily to your clothes.
Oooh, that sounds like a handy tip. I don't really want to put Perran through the stress of a bath just to trim her (she's not overly keen on handling as it is), but do you reckon just brushing the coat with a wet brush would help a bit?
I reakon a wet brush is a good idea. My two dont seem at all tangled so leaving it for the moment.
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