How Do You Know If They're Friends?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 19, 2016
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We rescued 2 girls about 3 weeks ago. They came together. Sometimes I wonder if they're even friends. They never sleep or cuddle together. Most of the time they sit separately. They bicker a lot. They chatted their teeth at each other. The only sign I had that they are friends was tonight when I took one out for laptime the other one began to wheek 5 mins later as though she was looking for her. I put her back and they raced round the playpen for a bit then went their own separate ways. They will also try to get to each other when we have them on our knees but when put together one burrows under the other one.
We rescued 2 girls about 3 weeks ago. They came together. Sometimes I wonder if they're even friends. They never sleep or cuddle together. Most of the time they sit separately. They bicker a lot. They chatted their teeth at each other. The only sign I had that they are friends was tonight when I took one out for laptime the other one began to wheek 5 mins later as though she was looking for her. I put her back and they raced round the playpen for a bit then went their own separate ways. They will also try to get to each other when we have them on our knees but when put together one burrows under the other one.

It is a very common misconception that guinea pigs cuddle up all the time; they usually don't - not even the cuddly ones.

Your girls are also still sorting our their dominance and their relationship. Just give them space to get away from each other if they wish to. Zooming around the play pen is actually a sign of happiness. ;)
Sow Behaviour
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics
I have 3 girls, and they rarely (if ever) cuddle up together.
Usually they all seem to like their own space to sleep, but they will potter around the cage together and happily sit side by side at meal times.
I have 5 piggies in a herd and none of them cuddle up together. They may lie down near each other, usually in the hay, but tend to sleep in their own beds.
Our boys fought when we got them, now they do love each other.
Piggies don't always snuggle together, the boys don't, but when they were outside and it got a bit nippy, we saw them cuddled together. Their way of telling us to bring them inside! They also chatter and rumble like all siblings do.
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