How Do You Ever Say No

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 19, 2011
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Okay, I've dug myself a bit of a hole.

Every time I go in the kitchen, Jemima (the house cage is in the dining room off the kitchen) throws herself at the bars of the cage nearest the kitchen door and starts squealing and wheeking at the top of her lungs.

It totally breaks my heart and I can't bare to hear the noise without giving her a 'little something' - which of course I also have to give to Casran.

I know I shouldn't keep giving Jemima food bits (and I know there are forum members who might get angry with me here) but I simply can't bare the thought of her wanting something.

How do others 'keep strong'?

Haha, bless! No-one would get angry with you so don't worry, but i do feel the "making a rod for your own back" expression coming to mind haha, the more you do it the more she will know you will give in. x
Haha, bless! No-one would get angry with you so don't worry, but i do feel the "making a rod for your own back" expression coming to mind haha, the more you do it the more she will know you will give in. x

I totally agree. I don't know why but the sound just breaks my heart... AND SHE KNOWS IT!

One thing I've been trying to do is, instead of giving them their daily ration of vegetables all at once, to give them their veg a bit at a time when she's wheeking for something. But I still think they are prob getting too much.

I was having the same problem once my girls moved indoors. It's hard to not give them anything. Any hint of a rustling bag and a chorus of wheeks filled the house! If they've already had their food I'll simply smile and say 'Silly piggies' and give them a little head stroke. I think they'll always wheek for food! So don't feel bad :)
My pair can hear whenever the fridge door opens and they always squeak at me then. So much so I try to go in the fridge as little as possible! The things we do for our pigs.
My pair can hear whenever the fridge door opens and they always squeak at me then. So much so I try to go in the fridge as little as possible! The things we do for our pigs.

I know what you mean, hahahahahaha

I creep around the kitchen and think twice about every bag and packet I open or move around.

In the morning I don't turn the light on in the dining room and keep the door pulled to ... when I go in their little faces are pressed up against the bars but they stay quiet in the dark.
I was having the same problem once my girls moved indoors. It's hard to not give them anything. Any hint of a rustling bag and a chorus of wheeks filled the house! If they've already had their food I'll simply smile and say 'Silly piggies' and give them a little head stroke. I think they'll always wheek for food! So don't feel bad :)

Cuddles instead of carrots... hmmmmmm... my two would prob eat my fingers. Hahahahaha x
My boys are now upstairs so I no longer have this pleasure, but I use to love hearing my boys calling out to me and chewing on the cage bars it use to make me laugh everytime and I really miss it, they would always get a bite size Veggie from the fridge, but it would only be romaine leaf, celery, bell peper or cucumber and never carrot or parsley.
Haha I know this feeling well, the fridge is in full view of my boys' cage and they will sing a deafening chorus whenever we dare go anywhere near. It's hard to say no but I find a fresh tuft of hay tends to distract them from their quest.. Sometimes..
Haha I know this feeling well, the fridge is in full view of my boys' cage and they will sing a deafening chorus whenever we dare go anywhere near. It's hard to say no but I find a fresh tuft of hay tends to distract them from their quest.. Sometimes..

Oooh good idea x
I have a orchard grass hay which I only give them on occasions. When they are after a treat I just give them a bit of that extra yummy hay. Or sometimes I do give them the TEENIEST sprig of coriander etc. it is difficult!
LOL- my kids make fun of me for this. I'm always telling them to run to the fridge and grab a carrot, because they look hungry! I agree, it's hard to say no. Luckily mine usually contain their wheeking to times when they are expecting food as part of their routine (ie. morning and evening) and don't squeak at me all day long every time I go upstairs.
OMG what a cutie :love:

You are so owned. We use to have this happen a lot, we started giving them some nice hay like Orchard Grass or Timothy when these begging fits occur it seems to pacify them and they are out the habit of then associating begging with getting veg.

Your twosome are so lovely!
Only time I said no to archie was when he woke me up wheeking (not very loudly) for breakfast and i said no I'm tired and fell back asleep. Tbh he doesnt wheek very much or very loudly,
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