How Do You Do A Bonding Bath?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jun 18, 2011
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Dear old Blighty UK
After my dominant sow bit the younger one that had just had an operation I have kept them separated but able to see one another so today or tomorrow I was going to bath them & put them on the floor together in the hope they will get along again. How do you bond bath? Do they all have to go in a bath together or does bathing them individually work the same? How successful is bathing? I have 3 so it could be a big job doing all together & I don't want any getting ill after if they get cold :(
From what I have heard bonding baths work with boars as they (not trying to be rude) can smell and this makes them smell the same. I tried it on my neutered boar and Sophie as he was not very nice to her and it worked for only a few days. You just bath them at the same time as they seek comfort from each other they can bond.
Thanks Piggyfan :D I decided as it is 10 days since Ziggy's op that tomorrow I will bath them all together really early in the morning then put them in a massive run in the hall with a big pile of hay & hope they get on again :) They've been together all their lives (3 years) so I don't want to give up hope just yet :)
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