How do you dispose of guinea pig rubbish?

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Dec 28, 2008
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I just wondered how you all got rid of your spent guinea pig rubbish? I have had so many battles with the council to take it, they think its toxic like cat and dog poo, but I said I would hardly handle it bare handed if it wasrolleyes So now they will take some and the man who delivers our hay bales takes the rest to compost down on his small holding..
So this made me wonder how all of you get rid of yours, especially those with lots of piggies and/or buns like me;)
I have to bin most sadly in the summer but in the winter I compost as much as I can. Over Christmas I took some to the skip (dump down Otterspool in Liverpool by the River Mersey) but the car stank for weeks! So won't do that again! :(|)
Unfortunately mine just goes in the normal rubbish bin - I live in a flat so we don't have the garden bins that the Council take away and I was going get a wee compost bin but then I had no-one that would use the compost.
Allotment keepers snatch your arm off for it round here! I have a lady begging for more and more of the stuff, apparently rabbit and piggie poo is quite high in some component or other than is perfect for veggies (exactly what it is escapes my memory atm, long day..) Anyway, if you have a freecycle account, offer it on there to allotment, smallholders etc!
I have a fortnighty collection of my "green bin". I am permitted to put woodshavings, hay and guinea pig poos into it. I take out the veg etc that my piggies don't eat though.

Its fill my bin and obviously keeps the council supplied with compost.

The soiled newspapers I take directly down the council "tip".
my dad takes it to the tip we have one which is only 5min away and he can drop them off on his way to work.
We have a fab council in that respect. They have provided us free of charge four green bins and now take it away weekly so we are now able to put food in it.
Our town has it's own Composting project so it all go into the city compost (newpaper, poop, used hay)...They also except dog poop and cat litter..Yummy...I don't have either..I also put all the (6 hammies cages and 2 Rats cages old bedding into it..Except for one of our hammies witch uses apen shaving and they don't except that...

I just chuck it in the black bin usually. :red The bin men don't know what's in there. Sometimes, take stuff to the tip though, when I have time. x
my bags don't smell maybe I clean out too often, think I'm a bit obessive with it, scoop out wee's and poos everyday and only have one piggie (getting a friend for george soon) :)
Sometimes they go out for the binmen/or i take them to the tip, but I have a muck heap!
I have to dispose of mine in the garbage bin outside. I live in a condo, so it's a bit difficult to do a compost heap of any kind. They are strict on the appearance of our front yard, and the back yard is pretty much non-existent.
Some councils compost guinea pig waste, while others don't. In Northern Ireland they allowed "vegetarian" animal waste for composting, but Uttlesford DC here won't allow even the newspaper to be recycled or composted.

At the moment, I get through one black bag every 4-7 days. I use fleece as bedding, so the only thing that goes in there is hay and newspaper from the hay trays each day. We have to take all the waste to the tip ourselves as we have the most ridiculously thin black bins, that fits two bags in, that is supposed to last us two weeks.
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