How Do I Set Up Fleace Bedding For My Piggies?


New Born Pup
Oct 18, 2017
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hello, I’ve had my girls for nearly 3 weeks now and was using wood shavings for their cage but i want to start using fleece instead. Is that easier to keep clean? I’m home every day as I am unwell and signed off work so I’ll be able to clear the poop a few times a day. Iv heard there are different types of fleece beddings like fleece, cage liners and flippers? I’m just a bit confused on what to use as bedding, what’s safest for the piggies, easiest to clean, smells less? what do I use, how many layers do I use of what type of bedding? I also don’t want the wee to case problems like leaking or causing any health issues...please help! :)
I use fleece on top of a shower curtain. You just wheek the fleece. You can use whatever absorbent layer you choose. Old towels puppy pads mattress pads etc. All you will have to do is poo pick couple times a day and I change mine once a week. More experienced people will be along soon
I use fleece on top of a shower curtain. You just wheek the fleece. You can use whatever absorbent layer you choose. Old towels puppy pads mattress pads etc. All you will have to do is poo pick couple times a day and I change mine once a week. More experienced people will be along soon
Thank you for your help :)
We use a plastic picnic sheet on the cage floor to protect then on top of that towels then on top the fleece. Make sure you wash the fleece several times to increase its wicking capability before first use, also only ever was fleece with powder no softener.

Welcome to the forum by the way, so nice to have you here. If you have time please say hi in our 'introductions' section and tell us all abut your piggies, be lovely to see some photos of them

I can't sew, so I glue my liners with hot glue. It is definatly not the best way to do it, but it works really well. I measure their cages, and then measure on the fleece. I'll leave 2 or 3 inches extra on each side, so it's a bit larger than I need it to be. Then I'll use my straight pins to keep everything in place. I'll glue as close to the edge as possible to minimize the extra fleece inside. I will usually pair a pattern with a solid. Craft store fleece is the best to use since it's a lot more absorbent, but sometimes I'll use Ikea fleece or fleece blankets from drug stores since it's a lot cheaper. I don't use an absorbent layer in between, because I think it's fine without it. I have C&C cages so I just put them directly on top of the coroplast. Also, you can use a microfiber rug in places the pee a lot. I also use a litter box in one of my cages.

Hope this helps!
xoxo Gia
I use a yoga mat on the cage floor and put all the absorbent materials in the middle and the fleece on top then I tuck all the overlapping materials under the yoga mat, it sounds strange but it keeps the piggies from bunching everything up with their popcorns and chasing each other and keeps them from burying underneath the fleece. It's so soft you can't even tell the mat is there but it makes a cage liner of sorts, I can sew but the idea of making a cage liner freaks me out a little but I have bought two but I worry about the piggies burying under the liner as they are slightly to big for their cage and curl up the sides a little.